Literature: The Standard Pathway Results presented to a journal in a format that is almost standard Editor selects expert referees Referees read critically and comment Paper revised, accepted or rejected Rejected papers usually resubmitted to a lower quality journal (Impact Factor)
Literature: Variant Pathway (some areas of physics) Results posted on a single site Comments of scientists invited and added to the paper Final version printed and electronically archived
Literature - Evolution Printed versions also available electronically Supplementary material available electronically Articles available electronically as soon as accepted Links provided to other sites for videos etc. Links provided to other publications cited in the article Publishers established a DOI to facilitate linkages
DATABASES Large Bodies of Data deposited No peer refereeing Material annotated centrally Growing number of specialist databases Links growing to and from literature
Other Material Videos Sound (Breathing, Heartbeat etc) Frequently located at site of material source Growing linkages with electronic literature
CHALLENGES To facilitate access to the users to this complex combination of information To redefine a „publication“ as a personalised combined object not a single (printed) entity Archiving Altering the commercial aspects to suit this new paradigm Managing the growth of information Balancing availability of information against protection from false claims
COMMERCIAL ASPECTS Author often pays page charges, reprint charges, colour charges, handling charge Subscriptions paid by institutes, individual countries Referees and Editorial Boards are usually unpaid Profits go to learned societies and publishers
COMMERCIAL ASPECTS - CHANGES Pub Med Central provides all material free to the user Biomed Central provides a free refereeing service and does not retain copyright or publish the material Material can be found by web searchers on authors or sites
USA N.I.H. (Government Agency) National Library of Medicine N.C.B.I. DNA Data BasePub Med MedLine Pub Med Central
PUB MED CENTRAL Full text searches at single site All material provided to NCBI site No charges for end users Currently very little content Initially ambiguous to peer review Works closely with Biomed Central
EUROPE Concerned with the development of a monopoly Concerned at shift of intellectual capital to a single non-European site Concerned with possible lowering of standards and reliability if peer review discontinued Concerned that non-medical areas would be excluded
E-BIOSCI A European centred organization to deliver electronic publication and linkage services Multisite distributed network to use existing national information / library services Peer reviewed Full text searches as near term goal but initially bibliography and abstracts Not necessarily free
E-BIOSCI - PROGRESS TO DATE Executive and Management function handled by EMBO Governing Body established under auspices of EMBC Technical sub-committee active Search for Manager initiated Technical tasks for delivery defined and a call to interested parties will be announced Research tasks being defined and prioritised and a call to interested parties will be announced Contacts publishers and societies have been maintained Plan to launch at end of 2000