Letters, eFile, download Why go to word if CIMS can do it? - reduce keying, improve accuracy - auto efile and viewable to employee - add consistency to documentation
Process No need to leave CIMS! Do your PRO.300 work ‘P’rint else save items up (SAR#) and use PAI.580 General Letters Transaction Form (Custom) Contracts
Letters RETSD – LOTS! HIR,EVA,INC,CON, 1500 efiles Brandon - LVE, RES, CHG, EMPL overlays - no efile Seven Oaks – 5 Letter formats (GEN, LVE, POS, HIR), no efile Portage, TMSD– No letters yet?! Delta SD – Letters for teaching but no efiling Campbell River – EXT,CHG,HIR,GRN,LVE.. All type HIR?, no efile Kelowna – LOTS! DES,HIR,SEN,POS,CHG,CON,TMP.. No efile Fort McMurray – HIR, REC, LAY, CON (lots of formats), 500 efiled documents WSD LOTS! ADD,INJ,EXP,ABS,PD,HIR,SUB,RET,NEW,HLT efiled Mystery Lake - JOB,LAY,REG,REC.. No efile
Letters PAI.280 Formats: Place your own overlay PER letter Category: Critical for efiling to an appropriate folder! New **SIG1 (2,3) to autosign letter New **PAGE break Smarter print to automatically page break based on number of PRO.300 assignments included eFile enhancement to put description as per format not ‘PAI.580 Employee General letter’.. Review PAI.280 descriptions !!! WSD - need a Sig1 !
Letters Specialized Formats GRN - custom transaction form ET? - assignment details will also include teacher cert#, emp phone# and address EVD - will print evaluation details not PRO.300 lines
E-File REMINDER: You can print envelopes direct from here ‘P’ #4 IDEA: New Y, additional List ABC- automatically send letter as attachment to additional people !!?
EMPLOYEE Accumulating History of documentation taking NO additional effort to maintain! IDEA: New Y – so as you attach a document you can make employee aware !??
EMPDOWN Hidden gem for merging with your own Office Letter(s) EIS.380 ‘P’ #2 and select any letter format Go into Excel and download emstrans/ppai580(userid) Do the Open right on line #2 to preserve your own column names. That way you can have the merge letter(s) all setup and simply drop the details in and reprint the letter