Announcements: Proceeding: will be published in American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding. Format: 6*9 inch format; detailed instruction can be found in the following link Page limit: 20 min talks, 6 pages (if it really cannot fit in the page limit, 8 pages); 25 min talks, 8 pages; Copyright transfer: author (at least 1 representative) needs to sign copyright transfer before his/her manuscript is submitted. A form can be found in the above web page. If you want to use Reprint Published Material in your proceeding : you needs to get the permission from the Copyright permission Department (a Form can be found in the above web. Authors are encouraged to use the new plots to avoid the unnecessary troubles. Deadline of the manuscript: 30 June, 2006; Japanese scientists should submit the proceeding to Prof.A. Ozawa; China Y.G. Ma Almost symposium presentations have been available in our web page!
Sponsors: IMP: W.L. Zhan, H. S. Xu, G. M. Jin, X. H. Zhou, Z.G. Wang, Y.H. Zhang CIAE: H.Q. Zhang, S.Y. Zhu, W.P.Liu, Z.Y. Ma PKU: Y. L. Ye, F. R. Xu, J. Meng, Y.X. Liu Tsinghua U: P.F. Zhuang, S. J. Zhu IHEP: Y.B. Dong ITP: E. G. Zhao NJU: Z. Z. Ren BNU: J. D. Bao SINAP: Shen, Ma, Zhu, Song Also SINAP, CNPS, SNS & NSFC institutions sponsor this symposium. All your great contributions make us to prepare the symposium smoothly. Without all these contributions, it is difficult to sit together here.
acknowledgements Thanks all attendees from Japan and China very much for your participations. We have a very good scientific program and fruitful discussions, especially we have a special discussion session to make effort to enhance the collaboration between two countries. Some intents of common interests and collaborations have been reached. Also we thank all advisory committee and organizing committee members for your good suggestions and help us organize this symposium. In this symsoium, the subject covers many aspect in nuclear physics as you already knew. For Japanese side, I specially appreciate Prof. Miake and Ozawa for your co-chair and coordinate all Japanese scientists. We have many Japanese scientists to participate this symposium.
Special thanks go to Prof. Xiangzhou Cai Mr. Kun Wang Ms. Jing Dai Many students & staffs in our group: J. H. Chen. J. G. Chen, G.L. Ma, S. Zhang, X.H. Shi, T. Z. Yan, E. J. Ma, D. X. Niu, C. Zhong, J.L. Long, W. Guo, W. D. Tian et al
Poster designed by K. Wang 中: Φ 日: θ
Thanks for your attention! and welcome to Shanghai again! November 14-20, 2006, Shanghai, CHINA Co-organized: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Central China Normal University, Wuhan