ART INTEGRATION Eagle Elementary School of the Arts
Our school is unique in that we have an Arts Special, unlike other schools. We have a schedule that allows all students to attend 5 specials 1-2 times a week. K-5: Art, Music, PE, Computer, Library. 3,4,5: Are able to sign up for Orchestra and Band
Why the arts are manifested in the classrooms Our Superintendent Dr. Clark is a huge advocate of Art Integration because she agrees and sees how it benefits students. Raises confidence Reaches all the stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy Increases test scores
Why the arts are manifested in the classrooms How arts education benefits students: Creativity Critical Thinking Empathy Ability to make judgments
Why the arts are manifested in the classrooms 1. The arts teach children to make good judgments about qualitative relationships. Unlike much of the curriculum in which correct answers and rules prevail, in the arts, it is judgment rather than rules that prevail. 2. The arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution and that questions can have more than one answer. 3. The arts celebrate multiple perspectives. One of their large lessons is that there are many ways to see and interpret the world. 4. The arts teach children that in complex forms of problem solving purposes are seldom fixed, but change with circumstance and opportunity. Learning in the arts requires the ability and a willingness to surrender to the unanticipated possibilities of the work as it unfolds. 5. The arts make vivid the fact that neither words in their literal form nor numbers exhaust what we can know. The limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition. 6. The arts teach students that small differences can have large effects. The arts traffic in subtleties. 7. The arts teach students to think through and within a material. All art forms employ some means through which images become real. 8. The arts help children learn to say what cannot be said. When children are invited to disclose what a work of art helps them feel, they must reach into their poetic capacities to find the words that will do the job. 9. The arts enable us to have experience we can have from no other source and through such experience to discover the range and variety of what we are capable of feeling. 10. The arts' position in the school curriculum symbolizes to the young what adults believe is important. SOURCE: Eisner, E. (2002). The Arts and the Creation of Mind, In Chapter 4, What the Arts Teach and How It Shows. (pp ). Yale University Press. Available from NAEA Publications. NAEA grants reprint permission for this excerpt from Ten Lessons with proper acknowledgment of its source and NAEA.
Why the arts are manifested in the classrooms
Testing scores are higher due to art integration Here are a few testing scores so far for our 4 th & 5 th grade Mrs. Bunn’s 5 th grade blasted the PACE project!! Advanced= 17 Proficient= 14 Basic= 0 Mr. Ursillo’s 4 th grade ISATS: Math Advanced= 26 Proficient= 7 Basic=0
Why the arts are manifested in the classrooms
How the arts are manifested in the classrooms Various opportunities to produce art, dramatize stories, songs, etc… The District Challenge Program for Drama & Art I integrate all core subjects in my art lessons. Eagle Foundation Grant: I have a Silly-Milly Math Mosaic grant that I have applied for and the lesson is integrating all the core subjects. We will be doing this project in school year.
Cornell Notes All homeroom and specials integrate Cornell Notes I integrate all of the 6 Language Arts State Standards through Cornell Notes K-5
How the arts are manifested in the School for Kinders & Beyond Drama: Plays K-5 Exploratory Class K-5 Meet the Masters K-5 Art Club K-5 Art Displays: At Art Fairs, Music Performances, Community & In-School Displays K-5 Soaring Eagles Honor Choir for 1,2 Honor Choir for 3,4,5
How the arts are manifested in the School for Kinders & Beyond Theater: In Partnership with The Landing. We have a amphitheater on the upper campus and a stage on the lower campus gymnasium Past Plays: The Wiz Peter Pan Toy Story is this year!
Photography Exploratory Class
How the arts are manifested in the School for Kinders & Beyond Exploratory Class K-5: Throughout the year students are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of Exploratory Classes. These classes range from drama, music and dance to creating and building structures. These classes provide each child the unique opportunity to have a voice in their own creative learning and to venture into new experiences. If you are interested in helping please call, we would love your help.
Meet the Masters Projects
How the arts are manifested in the School for Kinders & Beyond Meet the Masters K-5: This program is led by Mrs. Florence, one of our 3 rd grade teachers and Mrs. Wydick, the Art Teacher. This program enables the entire school to be studying the same artist at the same time. Each student completes a work of art that is shown in a school-wide display. The Fall project studied Vincent Van Gogh. The Spring project studied Paul Klee. Please call if you are interested in helping!
How the arts are manifested in the School for Kinders & Beyond Art Club K-5 : Art club is lead by the Art Teacher, Mrs. Mylissa Wydick. Each class comes to art club for three days. They make 1-2 projects
Art Displays
How the arts are manifested in the School for Kinders & Beyond Art Displays: Class artwork is displayed at least once throughout the year at various places around Eagle community, Boise and Meridian. Some of the places that have agreed to display are Eagle Historical Museum, Idaho Banking Company, Idaho School Board Association in downtown Boise, The Clinic at Eagle, The Meridian School District offices, US Bank. If you are interested in helping please call, we would love your help.
How the arts are manifested in the School for Kinders & Beyond Soaring Eagles Honor Choir for 1 st & 2nd Honor Choir for 3rd,4th,5th Our Music Teacher, Mrs. Newby directs these choirs. They meet at separate times. They have concerts and field trips. They attend Eagle County Christmas, Sing at the Capital in Boise and visit the local retirement homes.
Newsletter & Contact Info: District Website School Website rySchooloftheArts.aspx rySchooloftheArts.aspx Individual Teachers Websites wydickmylissa/Pages/Wydick,Mylissa.aspx wydickmylissa/Pages/Wydick,Mylissa.aspx School Front Bulletin Board: Music & Art Board
This PowerPoint will be posted on my website if you need it as a reference. THANK YOU for choosing our school!
Mrs. Wetherell and Mrs. Atkinson will now speak on the academic pieces of kindergarten.