Amount of molds on Different Breads David Kim Hr. 2
Abstract This study will lead people to be more aware of the bread mold. “If different breads develop the molds, then white bread wil l have the most molds.” (This will be discussed again later i n the presentation) Independent Variable: Types of bread. Dependent Variable: Percentage of mold covered. Control: Each type of bread with no mold. 3 breads with no molds ended up having 17% of mold cover age on wheat bread, 6% on oat bread, and 1% on white brea d.
Review of Literature Mold is a type of fungus, or organisms that lack in chlorophyll and work as decomposers in the nature. “Bread mold” has its own name called Rhizopus stolonifer. According to the Bread Mold by John Riverside, (2007) wind carries spores that grow into a hair-like structure to the bread surface and when they are matured, they produce fruit-shaped spores called conidia; waiting for winds to blow spores again. A person who inhaled mold could suffer from asthma, allergic rhinitis, and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (Bush RK, Portnoy JM, Saxon A, Terr AI, Wood RA, 2006; J Allergy Cun Immunol, 2006).Bush RKPortnoy JM Saxon ATerr AIWood RA Factors that affect mold growth are humidity, and amounts of nutrients.
Rhizopus stolonifer Retrieved from: ology/eukarya-eukaryotic-microorganisms/images/a-p rimary-sterigmata-b-secondary-sterigmata.jpg Retrieved from: pg
Question, Problem, Hypothesis Although in modern days most home refrigerators have fascinating preservation storage, molds can grow with a person’s tiny mistake. Therefore, this study is necessary. “Does different amounts of mold grow on different types of bread?” “If white, wheat, and oat breads are left in same temperature, same time, and same place, then white bread will grow most molds on its surface.”
Experimental Design
Experimental Design (2)
Procedure 1. Grid plastic zipper bag 10x10 with marker. 2. Cut the bread to fit the 10x10 grid. 3. Spray water and place it in the plastic zipper bag (It might be a good idea to not to zip it so the bread will be exposure to air and collect some spores). 4. Repeat step 1-3 with other breads. 5. Leave them in a dark, humid place for about 7 days and observe from then on.
Results and Discussion Day 7Day 8Day 9 White Bread 0 %1 % Wheat Bread 3 %5 %17 % Oat Bread1 %2 %6 % Wheat bread had most mold of 17%. Oat bread with 6%. White bread had least mold of 1%. Experiment failed at first because breads from the market contains too much preservatives. All breads except wheat bread were baked at home (wheat bread was bought from the market where they bake themselves).
Data Analysis White bread did not develop molds well. Wheat bread increased in mold coverage more than 3 times from day 8 to day 9. Oat bread had exactly triple the data on day 9 from day 8.
Conclusions and Future Studies The researcher’s hypothesis to this problem was rejected because white bread did not develop molds well. It seems that more grains in the bread stimulate mold growth. The researcher plans to revise the experimental design so each type of the bread will expose to air more. The researcher will consider whether the bread were bought from the market or not.
Acknowledgement and Bibliography Greatly thanks to Mrs. Richards for the guidance, and the support of the equipments. J Allergy Cun Immunol (2006). The medical effects of mold exposure. Retrieved October 12, 2009, from aaaai website: tatements/mold.pdf Riverside, J. (2007). Bread Mold. Retrieved October 24, 2009, from S. S. Block (1953). Humidity Requirements for Mold Growth. Retrieved October 27, 2009, from aem.asm. website: