Public trust in British institutions, and by association, the professions, has never been so low. The stress of years of financial crisis; the onward march of globalisation; the impact of technology and scandals such as LIBOR rate fixing, phone hacking and Operation Yew Tree are just some of the contributors. One of the objectives of the joint Professions for Good & Institute of Business Ethics Writing Awards 2013 is to promote the public interest role of the professions, their codes of ethics and standards and the confidence and trust these engender. Professions for Good and The Institute of Business Ethics are therefore collaborating to highlight and reward the authors of the best writing on the subject of ethics and professional standards in business or public life. Entry categories Entries are invited in one of three categories: A.Best journalist article or blog post – awarded to the best article or blog post written by a journalist or commentator on a subject related to professional ethics and standards. Submissions can be published or unpublished. B.Best academic essay – awarded to the best paper or piece of academic coursework covering general issues relating to the role of professional ethics and standards, or their importance in a specific professional discipline, for example in the legal or surveying sectors. C.Best student essay (open to those aged between only) – awarded to the best essay which responds to the following question: “Why is ethical behaviour at work important?” The Joint Professions for Good & Institute of Business Ethics 2013 Writing Awards Promoting ethics and professional standards in business and public life Judging process The judges will evaluate submissions in terms of their originality, scope and rigour, as well as lively writing style and presentation. The judges’ decision will be final. Rules 1.Entries should be submitted as PDFs or Word documents and ed to including a postal address and daytime contact number of the author. For entries to Category C (Best student essay) please also include your date of birth and the name of the academic institution you are currently attending. 2.Entries in all categories should not be longer than 1,500 words. 3.Entry to Category C (Best student essay) is only open to students aged between years old on the day of submission. 4.Multiple entries are allowed, but limited to a maximum of two entries and only in single category (ie you cannot submit one entry in Category A and one in Category B, but you may submit two in Category B). If this rule is not followed only the first entry will be counted and the subsequent entries discounted. 5.There will be one winner in each category. 6.All entries must be the author’s original work. If it contains material such as quotations, previously published illustrations or tables, the material must be clearly identified and attributed. Bibliographies and appendices should be included. 7.The author must include an assertion that the submission is all their own work. 8.Professions for Good & the IBE will seek the permission of all relevant authorities to promote and/or reprint any shortlisted articles for republication, on its website and by its media partners. 9.The deadline for final entries is noon on Friday 6 December The winning submissions will be announced on Monday 13 January The decision of the judging panel is final. For further information contact Professions for Good on The prizes £400 will be awarded to each winner in Categories A and B and £200 to the winner of Category C