Why do we need to talk about classroom rules at the beginning of the 2 nd quarter? 张老师 Teacher Chang
What items do you need to bring to the class every day? Textbook 课本 Notebook or/and loose-leaf paper 笔记本,活页纸 binder with handouts, workbook copies, etc. 讲义夹,讲义 Pens or pencils 笔,铅笔 张老师 Teacher Chang
When can you ask for PASS? Only when it is an emergency A pass will not be issued in the first 10 minutes or/and during the last 10 minutes of the period. 张老师 Teacher Chang
If you have an absence, it’s your responsibility to Turn in any missing assignments or homework within two days after you come back to school. 功课,作业 initiate the scheduling of the make- up times for missing tests or quizzes. 考试 张老师 Teacher Chang
If you follow the rules, you will receive full credits for class participation score. Otherwise Lose 1 point from the class participation score for any one of the following situations: without items that you need to bring to the Chinese class (textbook, notebook or/and loose- leaf paper, handouts, etc.) 张老师 Teacher Chang
Continue the consequences: lose class participation points Eat or drink Remember: No food and drinks are allowed in my class. Bottled water is allowed. Any other behaviors that disrupt the class: walking around, change seat, talk loud, talk too much, etc. (Lose 1 point each time, up to 5 points per day) 张老师 Teacher Chang
Continue the consequences: lose class participation points Using electronics (each time deduct 1 point; up to 3 points per day) Your electronics will be collected and your parents will be contacted. 张老师 Teacher Chang
Continue the consequences: You will receive a detention If your behavior causes serious trouble to any individual, property, or to the environment. 张老师 Teacher Chang