Materials Needed Daily: Workbook Loose-leaf paper Calculator (optional) TI-83 Pencils Three-ring binder *Students not prepared for class will serve a detention the following morning at 7:15. This includes bringing all materials.
Please Bring: Math fee $ pack of AAA batteries One of the following: roll of paper towels or box of Kleenex
Rules: 1. Be respectful to the teacher as well as other classmates. 2. Sit in your assigned seats. 3. Follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Limit talking to appropriate times. 5. No personal grooming during class time.
Corrective Action: Reminder. 15 minute detention. 30 minute detention – call to parents. Office – conference with parents.
Attendance: Excellent attendance is a significant part of learning. Both attendance and tardiness will be monitored according to the school policy.
Tests: Tests or quizzes are given weekly. Most tests are 100 points and most quizzes are worth Classwork: Classwork will be picked up randomly and is worth 10 points each time it is collected.
Homework: Homework is assigned daily and will be picked up randomly and is worth 10 points each time it is collected. The assignment is posted daily on my class website’s home page. Bonus: Bonus work is available weekly. After each test or quiz there will be a bonus puzzle containing previously studied material.
Computer Station: My class site is: nweb/index.htm Teachers Hollie Thompson It includes chapter material and review problems with a link to the answers. There are also links to other educational sites. There will be an activity students must complete each semester using the computer. The may get extra practice from chapter practice form my website, other links on my page several are which: School notes which has flashcards I have made and my skills tutor has lots of practice according to subject matter.
Extra practice is also from trackstar website; these will be questions geared to real-life problems. Some are required to get information from the internet. I have set up specific sites to find the information. This will help students expand their knowledge about computers as well as solving real-world problems. is also another way to review. Give the zip code and find my name. If you are having trouble in Algebra II I am here every morning at 7am for extra help. There is also tutoring in room 82 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 – 3:15. I encourage you to ask questions at any time. You can contact me through if there is a private matter you need to address. Please feel comfortable to come to me if you need extra help or need assistance from me in any other area. I will be glad to help in any way I can.