SRA Corrective Reading Summary of Series Guide Presented by Marlene Rolfe
Characteristics of A Poor Decoder Frequent word identification errors (reads word lists but not when embedded in a sentence) Word omissions/additions, confusion of high frequency words, word guessing, reading synonyms No understanding of sound/symbol relationships (Looks at beginning of word, guesses about word meaning, guesses using letter configuration) Poor reading rate (affects comprehension) Lack of motivation Ingrained ineffective reading strategies
HOW SRA DECODING HELPS Research based instruction Inappropriate guessing strategies not used or encouraged Frequent, immediate feedback and correction Word lists contain similar parts and then appear on a mixed list. Lots, Lots, Lots of practice and rereading Reading checkouts Learn to read a variety of passages, not just in isolation Behavior point rewards Positive, thorough approach to address student’s skill deficiencies Students don’t get passed on to the next lesson until they master the current lesson
Decoding Level A 65 lessons Nonreaders/poor readers in grades 3.5 – 12 needing word attack skills By end of Level A: 2.5 grade level (mostly regularly spelled words, sentences) 60 wpm, 98% accuracy
Decoding Level B1 65 Lessons For poor readers in grades 3 – 12 who do not read at an adequate rate & confuse words Teaches decoding strategies (letter/word discrimination, sound/letter combinations, story reading, literal/inferential comprehension At end of Level B1, 3.9 grade level 90 wpm, 98% accuracy
Decoding Level B2 65 lessons As in B1, emphasizes pronunciation, letter combinations, word discrimination, word reading, accurate story reading, comprehension, rate building, workbook applications At end of B2, 4.9 grade level 120 wpm, 98% accuracy
Decoding Level C 125 lessons For fair readers having trouble with multisyllabic words and typical text material Bridges the gap between advanced word attack skills and ability to read textbooks and a variety of other materials At the end of level C, 7.0 grade level
Features Core Program Uses Direct Instruction- Can monitor performance to achieve mastery (not just exposure) Skills are cumulative and learned until automatic Gradual increase in difficulty Time used efficiently (can complete a lesson in a 35-45 minute class period) Progress documented in detail Effective Management System – Earn performance points Scripted Lessons for uniformity of wording, effective communication, and time management Placement tests so students will feel successful. Fast pacing – helps student with memory deficits Can be used independently or in conjunction with comprehension program
Materials Teacher’s Guide – basic program information, error correction techniques, placement test, scope & sequence, behavioral objectives. Teacher’s Presentation Book – scripts and workbook answer key Student Text (starting B1) Workbook – consumable, some teacher-directed work, some independent work, place to record points earned Other supplemental materials
Placement Test See hand out.
Teaching Techniques Assign permanent seats (horseshoe arrangement using chairs) Lower performing students and behavior problems are seated directly in front of the teacher Work with small groups if possible For Decoding A, students must be able to see the presentation book B1 and B2 may need to see board or transparency Display Rules for Corrective Reading and refer to often
Group Rules for Corrective Reading Everything the teacher says is important. Work to get it right the first time. Stay with the group. Working ahead is NOT allowed. Answer on signal. Do your best work!
Signals – Hand Drop Used for orally presented tasks Hold hand out as if stopping traffic while you are giving instruction or presenting a question. Hold still for 1 second when finished speaking. Drop hand. Student(s) will respond the instant the hand drops.
Signals - Audible Used for workbook when student is not able to respond to you visually. Can be a finger snap, clap, foot tap, pencil tap…
Signals– Point Touch Used when presenting from board, overhead, or presentation book. Hold finger about 1 inch in front of the word without covering the word from student’s view. As you point, ask “What word?” or “What sound?” Pause 1 second. Tap in front of the word. Student responds on signal.
Signals –Sound Out Used to provide timing for students as they sound out the parts of a word (Level A). Touch the ball of the arrow as you say “Sound it Out. Get ready.” Pause 1 second. Quickly loop your finger to a point just under the first sound of the word. Hold your finger there for 2 seconds (if a continuous sound). Student should respond as long as the teacher has his/her finger on that sound. Quickly loop to the next sound for 2 seconds (if continuous) and student should not pause between sounds. Remove finger from the page. Example: me MMMMMMEEEEEEEE
Signals – Sequential-Response Used in orally presented tasks that require the students to produce different responses in a specified sequence. Hold up one finger while you are presenting the statement. Pause for 1 second after you say “Say it.” Quickly move your finger. Students should respond the instant your finger moves. Then follow the same procedure with two fingers.
Correction Procedures There are two types of correction procedures: General Correction Procedures (which are presented to the entire group) and Specified Correction Procedures (which call attention to the specific arrangement of a word). Correction is not punitive, just a normal part of the lesson Never wait after a mistake is made—correction must be immediate and within the context in which the mistake was made
General Correction Procedures Say the answer IMMEDIATELY. Repeat the task (don’t just have repeat answer—go back to question) Back up in the exercise and present activities in order (at least 3 tasks back, use columns or rows as markers) Finish remaining steps in exercise (check to see if he/she remembered) Repeat entire exercise if students made more than one or 2 mistakes
Specified Correction Procedures Say answer IMMEDIATELY (don’t wait for end of sentence or end of row of words). Repeat task (in level A, will ask to sound out a word, in higher levels will ask to spell the word). Back up. Finish remaining steps.
Example of a Specified Correction The word is _________. What word? (signal) Spell _________. (signal each letter) Go back to the first word in row/column.
Decoding Lesson Parts Level A Word attack exercises Awarding points for word attack Workbook exercises Workcheck Awarding points for workbook Individual reading checkouts Awarding points for individual reading checkouts Totaling points for the lesson
Decoding Lesson Parts Levels B1 & B2 Word attack exercises Awarding points for word attack Group reading activities Awarding points for group reading Individual reading checkouts Awarding points for individual reading checkouts Workbook exercises Workcheck Awarding points for workbook Totaling points for the lesson
Decoding Lesson Parts Level C Lessons 1-54 Word attack exercises Awarding points for word attack Group reading Awarding points for group reading Individual reading checkouts Awarding points for individual reading checkouts Workbook exercises Workcheck Awarding points for workbook Totaling points for the lesson
Decoding Lesson Parts Level C – Lessons 56-124 Workcheck of preceding lesson’s workbook exercises Awarding points for preceding lesson’s workbook Totaling points for preceding lesson Word attack skills for information passage Group reading of information passage Awarding points for group reading of information passage Workbook exercises (as homework) *There are checkout lessons every fifth lesson beginning with lesson 55.