How do population changes affect a country’s future? Population Pyramids How do population changes affect a country’s future?
You don’t need your workbook yet You don’t need your workbook yet. Checkout the next few slides about population pyramids to learn about them. What does the vertical or up and down axis represent? How many years does each age band represent? Which age band represents the most years? In which age band are you? Your siblings? Your mother/father? Your grandparents? What does the horizontal axis represent?
Think about it: Find the bar that represents your age and sex Think about it: Find the bar that represents your age and sex. What percent of the total U.S. population is in the same category as you? 4.5% 3.5% 2% 2.5%
What is a population pyramid? Age always on the vertical axis Population pyramids are used to get a “picture” of a population: are there more young or old people? Males or females? Governments use them to decide how to best use funds: If you have a lot of children, should government money go to building schools or health care for the elderly? Percent of population always on the horizontal axis A series of bar graphs that shows the age groups by sex of a population.
Use page 110 to do the next few slides.
Which one is Lawrence, KS? Use these photographs to do the chapter 15 “Preview ,” p. 110
Which one is Jacksonville, NC? Use these photographs to do the chapter 15 “Preview ,” p. 110
Use these photographs to do the chapter 15 “Preview ,” p. 110 Which one is Yuma, AZ? Use these photographs to do the chapter 15 “Preview ,” p. 110
Do the Geoterms on page 111.
Population Density Map Vocab Assignment Match the word to the picture. Write the letter of the picture next to the corresponding word on page 111. demography dependency ratio life expectancy replacement rate total fertility rate A B = Population Density Map C D
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (Page 112) Italy has a problem: its population is NOT growing. The bulge in the middle of this population pyramid means there are more older people than young. Bulge
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (Page 112) Look at page 112 in your workbook. Find #1 and answer it in your workbook. The task is to give several reasons why you think a country might have negative population growth. In other words, what might cause a country to lose population or have less babies?
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (Page 112) Look at page 112 in your workbook. Find #2 and use the next slides (taken from section 15.4) to take notes on what causes negative population growth.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (Page 112) Women are having fewer children than the 2.1 replacement rate.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (Page 112) Because it costs a lot of money to raise a child, families are having fewer children.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (Page 112) Since it is difficult to find childcare, families are having fewer children. How much is rent for the average American and what is this saying about the cost of child care vs rent?
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (Page 112) The higher the level of education of women in a country, the lower the birthrate. Young women who focus on their education or career tend to have fewer children.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (p112) Look at #3 on page 112. Use the following three slides to learn about the problems caused by negative population growth and complete the sentence.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (p112) Check out the next three slides to answer #3. Less children means that less schools, teachers and child care workers are needed. Schools and businesses related to children lose jobs and abandon buildings.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (p112) Less babies means less workers 30 years later. Businesses may leave the country to find more skilled workers, affecting the economy.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (p112) Less babies means less soldiers 30 years later. A country may find it difficult to recruit enough people for its military.
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (p112) 4. Rank the plans listed in your workbook on p.112 from strongest (1) to weakest (5). Again, which plan will best solve Italy’s negative population crisis?
Dilemma One: A Shrinking Population (p112) Once you have ranked the plans, complete #5. Be sure to explain why you believe your rankings are right.
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (Page 113) Spain has a problem: its population is NOT growing and they’re going to have TOO MANY old people. The bulge in the middle of this population pyramid means there are more older people than young. Bulge
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (Page 113) Look at page 113 in your workbook. Find #1 and answer it in your workbook. The task is to give several reasons why you think a country might have more older people than young.
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (Page 113) Look at page 113 in your workbook. Find #2 and use the next slides (taken from section 15.6) to take notes on what a population to age.
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (Page 113) A population ages when there are more old people than young ones.
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (Page 113) A population ages when people begin living longer (rising life expectancy)
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (Page 113) A drop in birth rate causes a population to age
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (Page 113) A baby boom after an event such as a war can result in a large generation.
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (p113) Look at #3 on page 113. Use the following three slides to learn about the problems caused by negative population growth and complete the sentence.
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (p113) Check out the next two slides to answer #3. It leads to economic problems when the government provides a pension (Social Security). Note: A government pension is when the govt. gives money to old people so they don’t have to work in their old age. However, if there are a lot of old people and few young people, taxes have to go up to make difference.
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (p113) It leads to economic problems when the government provides health care for old people.
Dilemma One: An Aging Population (p112) 4. Rank the plans listed in your workbook on p.113 from strongest (1) to weakest (5). Again, which plan will best solve Spain’s aging population crisis?
Dilemma Two: An Aging Population (p113) Once you have ranked the plans, complete #5. Be sure to explain why you believe your rankings are right.