The ADDIE Model By: Anna Munivez
What is The ADDIE Model? ADDIE is describing the essential components of any instructional design model. These five categories make up the process. ADDIE is describing the essential components of any instructional design model. These five categories make up the process. Analyze Analyze Design Design Develop Develop Implement Implement Evaluate Evaluate
Analyze means the instructional goals are set t the objectives are established he learning environment is set he learner's existing knowledge and skills are identified
Design means learning objectives are set learning objectives are set assessment instruments are ready and utilized assessment instruments are ready and utilized exercises are set exercises are set content are set content are set subject matter analysis and goals are set subject matter analysis and goals are set lesson planning is determined lesson planning is determined media selection is ready to be utilized media selection is ready to be utilized
Implement means a procedure for training the facilitators are set a procedure for training the facilitators are set the learners are organized and project is developed the learners are organized and project is developed
Develop means the developers create their model they assemble the content assets that were created
Evaluate means Formative evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process. Formative evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for domain specific criterion- related referenced items Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for domain specific criterion- related referenced items providing opportunities for feedback from the users. providing opportunities for feedback from the users.
Three electronic sources being utilized. ADDIE Model Interactive Multimedia Workbooks Web Pages
What is Interactive Multimedia? It means the wide variety of media integrated together. It means the wide variety of media integrated together. It is used to inform the public and to entertain them too. It is used to inform the public and to entertain them too. Examples: Examples: text text graphics graphics audio audio animation animation video video data data
What is a Workbook? What is a Workbook? a guide for developing a project plan a guide for developing a project plan a launching pad that will help you identify the material in this Web site that is most relevant to your specific concerns. a launching pad that will help you identify the material in this Web site that is most relevant to your specific concerns. a tool that will let you explore related issues by skimming at the surface level and delving deeper into the areas that intrigue you. a tool that will let you explore related issues by skimming at the surface level and delving deeper into the areas that intrigue you. Developing A Workbook: Decide what you want your project to accomplish. Decide what you want your project to accomplish. Gather information to set the stage for a successful project. Gather information to set the stage for a successful project. Set up the management processes needed for the project. Set up the management processes needed for the project. Obtain and analyze data on quality. Obtain and analyze data on quality. Decide what information to convey to your audience. Decide what information to convey to your audience. Determine how to present the data so that it is most useful for your audience. Determine how to present the data so that it is most useful for your audience. Consider methods for making the information more manageable. Consider methods for making the information more manageable. Provide your audience with a meaningful point of comparison. Provide your audience with a meaningful point of comparison. Test materials with your audience. Test materials with your audience. Select the best way to package information on quality for your audience. Select the best way to package information on quality for your audience. Distribute the information to your audience. Distribute the information to your audience. Create ways to help your audience use the information. Create ways to help your audience use the information. Evaluate the progress of the project toward your goals. Evaluate the progress of the project toward your goals.
What are Web Pages? They are documents on the World Wide Web, consisting of an HTML file and any related files for scripts and graphics, and often hyperlinked to other documents on the Web. They are documents on the World Wide Web, consisting of an HTML file and any related files for scripts and graphics, and often hyperlinked to other documents on the Web.
ADDIE’S Audience This model is utilized by many types of people on a daily basis. This model is utilized by many types of people on a daily basis. From universities, to businesses, to schools. From universities, to businesses, to schools.
Effectiveness of the ADDIE Model This model has been proven to be effective. This model has been proven to be effective. It is utilized by many. It is utilized by many. It will continue to assist in the planning of development of programs in the future. It will continue to assist in the planning of development of programs in the future.
References addie.html addie.html addie.html addie.html rkbook.htm rkbook.htm rkbook.htm rkbook.htm