New! High School Italian Series
Authors © 2009 Michael Sedurany Nancy Posterino Sophie Kearns Marisa Tarascio-Spiller Nancy
Ecco! Textbook Key Features Use of up-to-date and inviting photographs
Ecco! Textbook Key Features Use of up-to-date and inviting photographs Clearly states communicative and cultural learning objectives
Ecco! Textbook New vocabulary and structures are visually presented and followed by practice activities
Ecco! Textbook Language and culture is put in context with fun cartoon stories that feature storylines with appealing characters
Ecco! Textbook Helpful grouping and explorations of vocabulary
Ecco! Textbook Helpful grouping and explorations of vocabulary Questions about the cartoon story
Ecco! Textbook Clear and concise explanations of grammar points
Ecco! Textbook Friendly pointers for mastering pronunciation Abundant reading material in varied text types
Ecco! Textbook Guided speaking activities that practice listening, reading, and speaking Abundant realia
Ecco! Textbook Guided speaking activities that practice listening, reading, and speaking
Ecco! Textbook New language is given real-life application Thinking strategies aid understanding
Ecco! Textbook Abundant cultural notes and intercultural comparisons
Ecco! Textbook Additional Projects, e.g. cross-curricular, games, hands-on projects
Ecco! Textbook Special section on how to use a bi- lingual dictionary
Ecco! Textbook Key Features Up-to-date photographs Use of fun cartoon stories Helpful grouping of vocabulary charts Clear explanations of grammar points Helpful pronunciation section Abundant reading material Guided Speaking Activities Abundant culture
Ecco! Student’s Work Kit The Ecco! Student's Work Kit consists of: –A print component (Ecco! Workbook) –An electronic component (Ecco! Student CD-ROM)
Ecco! Workbook Key Features Checklists for students' active self-assessment of chapter’s learning objectives
Ecco! Workbook Activities to help students master new vocabulary by building their own lists
Ecco! Workbook Practice basic skills for using an Italian-English dictionary Focused grammar activities
Ecco! Workbook Lots of engaging listening, reading and writing activities
Ecco! Workbook Cultural knowledge and cultural reflection activities Technology-based activities
Ecco! Workbook Key Features Self-assessment checklist Specific activities to master vocabulary Lots of listening, reading and writing activities Abundant cultural activities Technology-based activities
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Like the Workbook, the CD- ROM reinforces what students have learned in the Textbook by providing varied interactive, engaging practice The Student CD-ROM also extends the material in the Textbook with extra activities to enrich students' knowledge of Italian culture
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Six types of Activities Act the part! Work those words! Sound it out Write on! Test yourself! Find out more! + Certificate Certificate
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Act the part! Cartoon story replay: listening, reading and speaking practice (students can record and playback their own voice in the story)
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Work those words! Vocabulary games to reinforce knowledge of new words and phrases
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Sound it out! Students record and play back their own voice
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Write on! Varied writing prompts in a variety of electronic formats Blog PowerPoint™ Excel™
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Test yourself! Chapter review quizzes (grammar, vocabulary and cultural knowledge)
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Find out more! Varied activities to extend cultural knowledge
Ecco! Student CD-ROM Printable record-keeping and certificate
Ecco! Teacher's Resource and Assessment Kit (TRAK) Helpful advice on how to use each of the Ecco! components Suggested plans programs for each chapter Extra TE cultural notes for each chapter Reproducible assessment tests Assessment Audio CD
Ecco! Teacher's Resource and Assessment Kit (TRAK) The TRAK also includes: –Multidisciplinary assessment tests –Reproducible student personal learning checklist
Ecco! Teacher Audio CDs Contains lively, well-paced recordings by native speakers of the cartoon stories Includes listening comprehension activities from the Workbook
Benefits of Ecco! 3-level program Clear and logical instructional presentation Created to motivate and engage students for their learning success and enjoyment Up-to-date pedagogy Use of authentic culture Strong use of technology and cross- curricular activities
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