Workshop 1 Supporting Student’s Literacy Learning Slide1 Workshop 1 Understanding our learners and supporting their learning
Reflection Pre workshop introduction session. Keep the booklet as a summary of the workshops ahead. Workshop 1 Session 1 Slide 2
Course overview Knowing about our learners Scaffolding learning Helping children’s oral language development and links to learning Helping children learn to read Helping children learn to write Workshop 1 Session 1 Slide 3 Workshop 1 Session 2 Slide 3
Big ideas What do I need to know... What understandings do I need to have... about children as learners? about supporting students’ oral language development about supporting student’s reading skills? about supporting students to develop their writing skills? about educational language? Workshop 1 Session 2 Slide 4
The best learning occurs when adults work in teams to learn together and plan interactive experiences for their students. Workshop 1 Session 2 Slide 5
Workshop 1 Understanding our learners and supporting their learning Getting to know each other Explore how to understand the learner/your students in order to support their learning Explore how our cultural and linguistic experiences shape our view of the world Activities to stimulate talk Workshop 1 Session 2 Slide 6
Your Workbook Includes: Purpose of the workshop Sessions within each workshop Reflection and Journal Homework Task Glossary Workshop 1 Session 2 Slide 7
Planning for purposeful talk Write the answers on 7 ‘post it’ notes Your name Where you were born Your interests outside of work Languages that you speak What your job is Number of years you have worked in education What you want to learn from this course/workshop Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 8
Knowing our learners Round 1 Red Topic: The best things about living where I do are... Green Topic: My earliest memories of school are... Blue Topic: A challenging experience I had meeting people from a different culture was... Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 9
Knowing our learners Round 2 Red Topic: In my family, when I was a child, literacy meant... Green Topic: Working with children, I think my strengths are... Blue Topic: One thing I wish I had learned as a child is... Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 10
Knowing our learners Round 3 Red Topic: I think children learn best when... Green Topic: Some interesting things I have learned about the cultural background of one of the children I work with are... Blue Topic: The best things about where I work are... Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 11
Community circle - reflection The aim of the “What did I learn?” section at the end of each session is to give participants time to reflect on: what you have learned in each session the skills and knowledge you needed to have to be able to participate in the session any assistance you required how you felt after completing the activity/session whether you have seen the strategy/skill/activity used in your workplace how you could use/adapt what you have learned to your own work Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 12
Community circle - reflection The “What did I learn?” sections will follow a pattern of: “community circle” where each participant is given the opportunity to talk about the reflection questions journal writing time where participants can work in pairs or individually to write about or visually represent their learning and feelings. Jeanne Gibbs (2001) Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 13
Community circle - Reflection What did you learn from this session? What skills/help/understandings did you need to be able to participate in the activities? During the ‘talk stations’ activity, why do you think only one person was allowed to speak while the other two had to listen and/or ask clarifying questions? Do all the children you work with come from the same cultural or linguistic background to your own or to the teacher’s? What do schools need to know about their students’ family, cultural and linguistic background and experiences? How can this knowledge help you with the work you do with children? Where would you find this information? How did you feel while doing and / after completing the session? Have you seen retrieval charts/information grids being used in the classroom? Have you seen or used ‘talk stations’ in the classroom. Were they successful/not successful with students? Why? Could you use/adapt the activity in the work you do with students? Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 14
Homework Task Student Profiles Talk to the teacher about the homework task, the selection of two students to be profiled, information that the teacher has about the child, suggestions of who else to talk to about the child Use the example of a student profile in your workbook. Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 15
Student Profiles Name Other names Date of birth Place of birth Languages spoken at home Mother’s country, language Father’s country, language Languages spoken by student Languages understood by student Who does the child live with (extended family) Siblings / close family members at school Places / communities the child travels to Schools attended / Attendance history. Are any of these schools bilingual? Cultural / ancestral background Workshop 1 Session 3 Slide 16
Big ideas What do I need to know... What understandings do I need to have... about children as learners? about supporting students’ oral language development about supporting student’s reading skills? about supporting students to develop their writing skills? about educational language? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 17
Scaffolding - Thinking About Learning Thinking about a skill you have learned What was the skill? Who had you seen using the skill? How were you supported to learn the skill? When did you use it independently? How did you feel about learning this skill? If the learning was not successful, why do you think this was so? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 18
Reflection What did you learn from this session? What skills/ help/ understandings did you need to be able to participate? How did you feel while doing? After finishing the activities? Have you ever thought of learning new skills in this way before? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 19
Scaffolding In pairs: Brainstorm the everyday meaning of scaffolding Talk to your partner about this and write key words, make notes and provide examples of scaffolding Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 20 A: Getting Ready
Scaffolding Read the article in the workbook Jot down 5 main points on your post it notes In groups of 3 define scaffolding as we use it in education, using the 5 points Share definitions Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 21 B: Show Me How
Scaffolded teaching learning A sequence for planning AGetting Ready B Show me how (modelling) CHelp me do it (guided practice) DLet me do it myself (independent practice) EWhat did I learn? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 22
Scaffolding. Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 23
Reflection What did you learn? What skills/understandings did you need to participate in the sessions? How did you feel while doing/ after completing the activities? Could you use the think/ pair / share activity with the students you work with? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 24
Scaffolding in Practice What do parents do to encourage their children to speak? Expect them to speak Provide models of how spoken language works Demonstrate how to listen Support their attempts with praise Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 25
What do teachers do? Macro Level Scaffolding clear goals or outcomes an understanding of linguistic demands of tasks knowledge of the students,their abilities and understandings careful sequencing of tasks to achieve the goal/outcome gradual shift of responsibility from teacher to student Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 26
What do teachers do? Micro Level Scaffolding student-teacher dialogue within small groups – where paraprofessionals mostly work Students need to be scaffolded: –from home language to school language and –from spoken to written language Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 27
IRF Initiation, Response, Feedback InitiationTEACHER “What is a magpie?” ResponseSTUDENT “A bird” FeedbackTEACHER “Yes. Good.” Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 28
What we do to scaffold learning? Support children in the classroom by asking open-ended questions repeating new language rephrasing and modelling pause-prompt-praise extending being an active listener Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 29
Strategies Scaffolding Oral Language Being an active listener Nodding, eye contact with speaker, smiling, gestures Repeating words said, word for word, rephrasing what was said, respond with comment or question Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 30
Strategies Scaffolding Oral Language Asking open ended questions How will you...? What happened after...? List all of the.... How did...? Can you tell me...? How many ways can...? What would happen if...? Why do you think...? How did you feel when...? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 31
Strategies Scaffolding Oral Language Repeating new language Child: Her in Hostabul Adult: Yes, she went to the hospital. Child: trimba Adult repeats word and may define: Did you know timber is the wood from trees? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 32
Strategies Scaffolding Oral Language Rephrasing and modelling Student:- big monster, big and fat, very good Adult: Oh! You liked the big monster, because he was big and fat. Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 33
Strategies Scaffolding Oral Language Extending Teacher uses what the student says and builds on the utterances, to extend what the student has said Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 34
Strategies scaffolding Oral Language Pause-prompt-praise Pause = Wait for the child to think. Prompt = Help the child by giving a key word, or sound, or starting a sentence. Praise = Praise their efforts. Praise the behaviour not the child Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 35
Reflection What did you learn from this session? What skills/ understandings did you need to participate How did you feel while doing/ after the session? Have you seen/used similar strategies in classrooms? what made it effective? or not? Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 36
Homework task Talk to the teacher about the homework task, the ways they use questioning techniques to scaffold learning, particular children that require a lot of scaffolding. Use the table on page 28 of the workbook Ask the teacher/s to verify, sign and date. Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 37
Glossary Words on the poster? Any words you want to note to find out more about (Internet search, ask a colleague) Add to the Glossary page at the end of your workbook Workshop 1 Session 4 Slide 38
Conclusion Understanding our learners and supporting their learning The Strong Literacy and Numeracy in Communities Pilot was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations as part of the Education Revolution – Improving Our Schools – National Action Plan for Literacy and Numeracy