Implementation Evaluation of Two DOC Initiatives: Reentry Workbook Program & Program Fidelity Project Marcia Hughes, PhD, Assistant Director Matthew Sagacity Walker, Field Researcher Center for Social Research, University of Hartford
The Research Behind the Program Initiatives: Best Practices Match intensity of the treatment to the risk level of the offender: Provides “tools” for individualized reentry plan: (Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2004) Match intensity of the treatment to the risk level of the offender: Provides “tools” for individualized reentry plan: (Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2004) Target criminogenic needs: Those that are directly linked to crime (Andrews & Dowden, 1999) Target criminogenic needs: Those that are directly linked to crime (Andrews & Dowden, 1999) Use a cognitive-behavioral approach: Deliver services and treatment in a manner consistent with their needs (Andrews et al., 1990) Use a cognitive-behavioral approach: Deliver services and treatment in a manner consistent with their needs (Andrews et al., 1990)
What We Aim To Achieve Identify the challenges in getting programs in place and running according to the model. Identify the challenges in getting programs in place and running according to the model. Assess the extent to which DOC staff/clients utilize the programs and find them helpful. Assess the extent to which DOC staff/clients utilize the programs and find them helpful. Use what we learn to inform program development and training. Use what we learn to inform program development and training. Develop capacity to measure program implementation and effectiveness. Develop capacity to measure program implementation and effectiveness.
Focus of Evaluation: Implementation What are the roles, protocols, and procedures for each program component? What are the roles, protocols, and procedures for each program component? Are the needed organizational support and commitment in place to offer the programs? Are the needed organizational support and commitment in place to offer the programs? How is the program currently monitored? How is the program currently monitored? How are agencies and services linked? Is there a shared purpose and understanding? How are agencies and services linked? Is there a shared purpose and understanding?
Focus of Evaluation: Utilization What is staff’s understanding of the different components of the programs and their role? What is staff’s understanding of the different components of the programs and their role? Do staff find the program helpful in understanding people’s needs, engaging offenders & creating change? Do staff find the program helpful in understanding people’s needs, engaging offenders & creating change? How do offenders understand the program components, role of staff? Are they interested or motivated? Do they find programs useful? How do offenders understand the program components, role of staff? Are they interested or motivated? Do they find programs useful? Are services targeted for identifiable subgroups and can this be related to outcomes? Are services targeted for identifiable subgroups and can this be related to outcomes?
Evaluation Strategies On-site observations (both program initiatives) On-site observations (both program initiatives) Interviews and focus groups with program administrators, facilitators, “front-line” staff Interviews and focus groups with program administrators, facilitators, “front-line” staff Interviews and focus groups with program participants: inmates, ex-offenders Interviews and focus groups with program participants: inmates, ex-offenders Review Case Plans, Records, Reports and Workbooks Review Case Plans, Records, Reports and Workbooks
Your Role In the Evaluation Participate in on-site observations, interviews and focus groups Participate in on-site observations, interviews and focus groups Approx 10 halfway houses: at least 1 from each region, range in size, urban/suburb/rural Approx 10 halfway houses: at least 1 from each region, range in size, urban/suburb/rural ** Introduce the study to DOC clients/ residents: script and letter for clients ** Introduce the study to DOC clients/ residents: script and letter for clients Help to facilitate interviews, focus groups with DOC clients and review of records and reports Help to facilitate interviews, focus groups with DOC clients and review of records and reports
Evaluation Findings: Inform Program Development, Practice, & Policy Specify range of functions, activities, and bureaucratic ‘actors’ in implementation process Specify range of functions, activities, and bureaucratic ‘actors’ in implementation process Operational challenges & organizational actions needed to improve implementation Operational challenges & organizational actions needed to improve implementation Mechanisms and measures for monitoring processes and evaluating outcomes Mechanisms and measures for monitoring processes and evaluating outcomes How to sustain an infrastructure: resources, training, policy, quality assurance How to sustain an infrastructure: resources, training, policy, quality assurance
Contact Information Marcia Hughes Marcia Hughes Matthew Sagacity Walker Matthew Sagacity Walker