SECONDARY Mathematics
New Maths Frameworking (2 Year Scheme of work available) for Key Stage 3: Age 11-14 (2 Year Scheme of work available)
No.1 bestselling Maths scheme at KS3 UK Market share No.1 bestselling Maths scheme at KS3 in the UK! Over 40% market share
3 levels of differentiation per year: Pupil Books Practice Books Teacher Guides with CD Rom Interactive books Assessment CD-Rom Lower-ability workbooks Step-Up Workbooks
Pupil Books "Student friendly" learning objectives Worked examples to aid understanding Levelled exercises so pupils always work at the right level and progress with ease Test-style levelled questions Level boosters for every chapter Exciting real world activities put Maths in context
Practice Books With hundreds of levelled practice questions corresponding to topics covered in the corresponding Pupil Book, it is an ideal resource for extra class work or homework. Clear levelling for all questions Hundreds of levelled extra practice questions to consolidate topics covered in pupil books Full colour artwork to engage pupils.
Teacher Packs These contain everything teachers need to deliver effective lessons with confidence for their students, which support the New Framework and ensure success. Clear double page spreads showing detailed lesson plans at a glance Objectives for every lesson identify key learning outcomes. Answers to all Pupil Book questions to save valuable time Levelled homework questions and answers, only available in the Teacher Guide Free CD with every lesson plan in Word which can be easily customised
Interactive Book CD Rom Perfect for use on whiteboards to deliver lessons and contains interactive versions of Pupil Books 1, 2 and 3 and a stand-alone resource bank. PowerPoint lesson introductions Animated spoken examples with levels and "play & pause" function to introduce each new topic clearly and in a dynamic way Videos to bring real-world spreads to life Levelled step-by-step worked examples in PowerPoint for examples in the book A stand-alone resource bank containing all activities so that you can find what you're looking for quickly and easily
Assessment CD Roms The Assessment CD provides a bank of word format assessments to cover all aspects of KS3 course. 8 end of unit tests consisting of long questions 32 end of unit tests - 4 per unit - one at level 5, 6 & 7/8 8 mid-unit assessments to assess students' progress & highlight weaknesses 4 end of year tests - one at level 4, 5, 6 & 7/8
Workbooks Consolidate topics covered in the Pupil Book 1 and have hundreds of practice questions to build confidence and understanding. Full colour, write-in layout to make activities clear Key learning objectives at the start of every chapter for self-assessment Hundreds of questions for lots of practice at the right level Levelled activities encouraging self-assessment and progression to activities in Pupil Book 1 and Practice Book 1.
Additional Teachers Support Packs Packs draw on the new Primary objectives, which underpin the objectives in Key Stage 3, to provide lesson plans and homework sheets enabling students to access the Key Stage 3 curriculum. They include the same features as the Teacher Packs but also include: Answers for all workbook questions Photocopiable Masters and overhead projector sheets to save valuable preparation time
STEP UP Workbooks These are for very low level pupils, struggling with KS3 Maths to get them up to the level of the Workbook 1. Packed with write-in practice at Levels 1 and 2 they give pupils confidence and a thorough foundation in the Maths they need. Lots of practice at the right level of numeracy and literacy for level 1 and low level 2 to give pupils confidence Highly appealing visual design and write-in format Picture-based questions and key words highlighted makes concepts easy to access and remember through colourful artwork-led examples Reassures and reminds pupils of the key things they need to know with handy quick maths facts at the back of the book Written by teachers and consultants who teach at Levels 1 and 2 Maths
HIGHLIGHTS Planning: Unrivalled teacher support Differentiation: Fully differentiated pupil resources Progression: Plenty of consolidation and practice to give students the right progression Functional Maths: Puts maths in a real life context Self assessment: Level boosters & exam questions Integrated ICT: Video/Audio clips & PowerPoint presentations
IGCSE Maths Innovative . Interactive . International Endorsed by both exam boards: Cambridge and Edexcel Extra Maths questions & answers available online at
IGCSE Maths Textbook 1 book covers the complete IGCSE course Worked Examples explain calculations Bank of Review Questions after every topic A* Extra feature is an extra piece of info or a tip designed to challenge high achievers
IGCSE Maths CD-Rom 1000 examination questions in total: 250 in book 250 on CD-Rom 500 online Contains animated worked examples Bonus Su Doku generator
Collins provides the easiest way to teach the 2-tier specifications for AQA (A), AQA (B) and Edexcel (A). Our comprehensive student and teacher resources are devised and written by practising teachers, experienced authors (of New Maths Frameworking) and top examiners
2 books: Higher & Foundation Student books 2 books: Higher & Foundation Colour-coded grades for every question Really Useful Maths! spreads show maths in a functional setting so students can apply maths to real life settings Hundreds of questions for every topic & exam questions in every chapter Hints and Tips boxes throughout
2 packs: Higher & Foundation Teacher Packs 2 packs: Higher & Foundation CD-Rom included – customisable lesson plans in Word format Complete lesson plans provide total support for the whole lesson: starter, main lesson & plenary A lesson plan for every GCSE objective Worked examples
2 books: Higher & Foundation Homework books 2 books: Higher & Foundation A piece of homework for every double page spread in the student book
Lower ability workbook 1 book: Foundation Contains a lower level of literacy Helps support children struggling with GCSE content
E-resources Interactive versions of Really Useful Maths spreads Interactive videos and activities make learning more exciting Enables teachers to build their own lessons around the objectives Assessment CD provides practice exam questions in Word format
HIGHLIGHTS Differentiation: graded questions & support for all abilities Planning: time-saving ready made customisable lesson plans Functional Maths: use & apply maths to familiar scenarios Assessment: actual exam questions & Grade Yourself sections