RMS – a collaborative approach Presentation Lyn Dare & Stephen Larmour Authorisation & Audit Comcare
Definition REHABILITATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The part of the overall management system which includes organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the Rehabilitation Policy
AS/NZS 4801: Elements of a Rehabilitation Management System
Supporting Documentation Audit tool –Outlines audit process –Scope –Criteria –File sampling methodology Audit workbook –Supports audit tool –Provides guidance for rating criteria
Audit Process Audit preparation –Employer completes audit workbook Conduct audit –Entry meeting –Review System documentation –Complete file sample –Conduct interviews with case managers Post audit activities –Employer develops corrective action plan
Element 1: Policy Commitment Senior management commitment Sets the tone for the whole system Developed in consultation with employees Reviewed periodically
Element 2: Planning Identifying risks and appropriate control structures Planning for legislative compliance Setting targets and objectives Developing plans to achieve objectives Delegation schedule
Element 3: Implementation Allocating appropriate resources Communicating roles and responsibilities to stakeholders Training and competency Legislative compliance »Early intervention »Rehabilitation assessments »Rehabilitation programs »Suitable employment »Privacy
Element 4: measurement & evaluation Monitoring objectives and targets Monitoring ARP performance Conducting an audit program Reporting to senior management
Element 5: Review & Improvement System reviewed regularly Opportunities to improve identified Continuous improvement realised
The benefits Elevates responsibility and accountability Systematic approach to managing the rehabilitation function Focuses on continuous improvement Experience of our Self Insured Licensee
Pilot Project Pilot project commenced March 2011: CSIRO, Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA), and Australian Federal Police (AFP) Expanding the audit program to federal employers
Audit approach Pre audit –Collaborative –Information sharing Conducting the audit –Workshop environment Post audit activities –development of Systems Improvement Plans (SIP)
Participant feedback Case Managers were comfortable with the process and the manner in which the findings were analysed and reported The audit findings provided an independent assessment which support their own assessment in relation to gaps in their system Provided an independent assessment of ‘best practice’ initiatives Opportunity to take a step back from day to day business and look at what systems exist
Participant feedback Did not feel prepared for the audit Senior leaders needed to be made aware of the purpose of the audit. Audit program should extended to cover a cross-section of the organisation’s RMS Support required in developing and implementing SIP
Audit findings
Change to audit methodology Engaged senior leaders prior to establishing an audit program Assisting Federal Employers establish RMS through a review or ‘gap analysis’ of exiting systems using an audit methodology Site reviews Reviewed audit tool and workbook to ensure that it is relevant to Federal Workplaces and easy to use
Change to audit methodology Provide greater assistance in preparing for the audit and presentation of material for assessment. Provide greater assistance in developing and implementing SIP. Establish 6 month follow up.
Contact details Audit and Authorisation Team Lyn Dare - Assistant Director Audit (03) Stephen Larmour – A/Assistant Director Audit (03)