OFC305 Advanced XML Programming In Excel 2003 Joseph Chirilov Program Manager
Resumes Joseph Chirilov Program Manager Excel Data Services demo demo
Exportability Data not exportable when you have: Fill down List of lists Sparse layout Data is exportable when required elements are not mapped Taskpane: Verify Map for Export OM: XmlMap.IsExportable
Schema Support W3C XML Schema 1.0 spec, except: Abstract elements Substitution groups xsd:any xsd:anyAttribute Recursive Structures Mixed Content Excel can derive XML schema from sample data
Object Model XML Scenarios Adding a schema / map Mapping non-repeating elements Mapping repeating elements Importing Exporting Querying for map structure & data Catching Import / Export Events
XmlMap Object Represents a schema attached to the workbook. Methods:.Import /.ImportXml.Export /.ExportXml.Delete Properties:.Schemas.DataBinding Many others…
Adding an XML map Workbook.XmlMaps.Add( Schema As String, [RootElementName] As String) As XmlMap Example: Set myMap = ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps.Add( “C:\expense.xsd” )
XPath Object Representation of an element mapping in the spreadsheet Methods:.SetValue.Clear Properties:.Map.Repeating.Value
Mapping Non-Rep Elements Range.XPath.SetValue ( Map As XmlMap, XPath As String, [SelectionNamespace] As String, [Repeating] As Boolean ) Example: ActiveCell.XPath.SetValue( ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps(1), “/Expense/Meta/FirstName”,, False )
Selection Namespace Example: If the XPath you want to map is: “/ns0:Expense/Meta/ns1:Firstname” then the selection namespace should be: “xmlns:ns0= xmlns:ns1=
ListObject Object Represents a List Methods:.Delete Many others… Properties:.DataBodyRange.ListColumns.Range.XPath.ListRows.Range.Name.XmlMap
Mapping Rep Elements ListColumn.XPath.SetValue ( Map As XmlMap, XPath As String, [SelectionNamespace] As String, [Repeating] As Boolean ) Example: Set myList = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add( xlSrcRange, Range(“A1:D10”)) myList.ListColumns(1).XPath.SetValue( ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps(1), “/Expense/Meta/FirstName”,, False )
OM: Mapping Joseph Chirilov Program Manager Excel Data Services demo demo
Importing XML Data XmlMap.Import( Url As String, [Overwrite] As Boolean ) As XlXmlImportResult XmlMap.ImportXml( XmlData As String, [Overwrite] As Boolean ) As XlXmlImportResult
Importing XML Data Example: result = ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps(1).Import( “\\expense\empinfo.xml” ) result = ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps(1).ImportXml( sWSData )
XlXmlImportResult Import results are for non-failing imports only Only most severe condition is returned Possible results (in order of increasing severity): Success Schema validation failed Some data truncated to fit cell Failing imports will result in an run-time error
Exporting XML Data XmlMap.Export( Url As String, [Overwrite] As Boolean ) As XlXmlExportResult XmlMap.ExportXml( Data As String ) As XlXmlExportResult (Note: ‘Data’ is an IN/OUT variable)
Exporting XML Data Example: If ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps(1).IsExportable Then… result = ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps(1).Export( “C:\expenseData\JDoe.xml” ) Dim sData As String result = ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps(1).ExportXml( sData ) (‘sData’ now contains exported data)
XlXmlExportResult Export results are for non-failing exports only Only most severe condition is returned Possible results (in order of increasing severity): Success Schema validation failed Failing exports will result in an run-time error Don’t forget to check exportability first!
OM: Import / Export Joseph Chirilov Program Manager Excel Data Services demo demo
Auto Map and Import Quick & easy way to import data without the need to map elements before hand Workbook.XmlImport( Url As String, ImportMap As XmlMap, [Overwrite], [Destination] ) As XlXmlImportResult Example: ActiveWorkbook.XmlImport “C:\expense.xml”, Nothing,, Range(“A1”) Workbook.XmlImportXml for in-memory strings
Query Methods Use XmlMapQuery to discover mappings, and XmlDataQuery to extract data from those mappings Worksheet.XmlMapQuery( XPath As String, [SelectionNamespaces] As String, [Map] As XmlMap ) As Range Worksheet.XmlDataQuery( XPath As String, [SelectionNamespaces] As String, [Map] As XmlMap ) As Range
Query Methods sXPath = “/Expense/Items/Amount” If Not XmlMapQuery(sXPath) Is Nothing Then Set myRange = XmlDataQuery(sXPath) … perform normal range manipulation … End If
Import Events Hang off Workbook and Application Object BeforeXmlImport( Map As XmlMap, Url As String, IsRefresh As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean ) AfterXmlImport( Map As XmlMap, IsRefresh As Boolean, Result As XlXmlImportResult )
Export Events Hang off Workbook and Application Object BeforeXmlExport( Map As XmlMap, Url As String, Cancel As Boolean ) AfterXmlExport( Map As XmlMap, Url As String, Result As XlXmlExportResult )
Event Examples Before Export: Validate sheet data according to business rules before export and cancel if rules are broken. Before Import: warn user that data will be discarded upon subsequent import / refresh After Import: Examine data that was imported (according to business rules, etc.) Enforce that a map is Import-only or Export-only
Web Services Getting data from web services is easier with Excel. Methods: Existing COM objects OfficeXP Web Services Toolkit 2.0 Visual Studio
Web Services Joseph Chirilov Program Manager Excel Data Services demo demo
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