Bridges at Kingston Stroke Unit Olivia Kemsley Physiotherapy team leader Kingston Stroke Unit
20 bedded stroke unit, set up in November 2009 Cover 5 boroughs including Kingston Majority of teams we refer to have had Bridges training MDT including physio, OT, SLT and nurses completed Bridges training Feb 2011
Given out 25 workbooks in past year Mostly given just before discharge or awaiting rehabilitation Have given workbooks to patients with cognitive and communication problems by involving family members
Workbook introduced to patient and family by keyworker Time taken at introductory session to go through work book and discuss patients goals Not frequently followed up as therapists priorities are organising discharge
Stroke Co-ordinator Chris Jones – unfortunately temporary post, now finished Tolworth Cedars Unit Kingston ICT Richmond Community Neuro Rehab Team Reablement
Not enough time ◦ Incorporate into treatment session ◦ Base treatment session around workbook Wrong environment/Too early ◦ Introduce workbook prior to discharge home or to rehab ◦ Patients with low mood have benefited from workbook
52 year old lady Very low mood Unable to identify achievements so far Unable to break down future goal of Walking into smaller stages. Introduced Bridges workbook Therapist and family came up with achievements so far, then left with patient to think about future goals
Goal setting more patient centred Move away from SMART goals with terminology Developed role of keyworker Improved communication in MDT and along pathway More positive approach, giving hope to patients
Broaden range of patients we give it to and try at an earlier stage Follow up more within acute setting rather than just giving prior to discharge Continue to implement self management approach not just through workbook Gain patient feedback at Kingston stroke forum
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