Planning for Success NT/NTE Monday Evening Session November 26, 2012
2 Tonight’s agenda Bright spots panel Expectations for NTs/NTEs BREAK Reviewing the workbook Reflecting on your district survey data Refining your turnkey plans
3 Find your bright spots “When it's time to change, we must look for bright spots -- the first signs that things are working, the first precious As and Bs on our report card. We need to ask ourselves a question that sounds simple but is, in fact, deeply unnatural: What's working and how can we do more of it?” - Chip and Dan Heath, authors of Switch
4 Bright spots panel Courtney Jablonski - Washington, Saratoga, Warren, Hamilton, Essex (WSWHE) BOCES Network Team Maria Papa - Madison-Oneida BOCES Network Team Lorna Washington - Rochester City School District Network Team
5 The Role of NTs/NTEs Support your district/districts’ CCSS, APPR, DDI implementation Understand district needs and develop a turnkey plan to provide support in these areas: Implementation of CCSS shifts CCSS/APPR alignment APPR Implementation DDI Implementation
The Role of NTs/NTEs: Developing Turnkey Plans Wednesday night: Each NT/NTE will be paired with one other NT/NTE to present its turnkey plan for feedback. Each presentation should last for minutes. Presentations should include: The NT/NTE approach to working with schools/districts A review of bright spots/examples of successes in working with your schools/ districts A review of the biggest challenges to date in working with your schools/districts The key 3-4 areas of focus that the team thinks will make the biggest impact Each team will listen to the other team’s presentations and then provide constructive feedback on plans based on a protocol. Staff are available for consultation and feedback. 6
7 Why We Need NTs/NTEs
8 Stretch and transition Rochester and Buffalo teams: Move to Capital Everyone else: Remain in the courtyard
Switch Refresher
Developing/Refining your Plan: Begin with Shaping the Path 10
Developing/Refining your Plan: Begin with Shaping the Path 11
Refresher: What are Critical Moves? They start with the destination in mind They articulate how people should act They begin with an achievable first step
Critical Moves: 1% Milk The USDA wanted people to eat healthier, but that task seemed daunting. Researchers decided on a critical move: Recommend consumers to switch to 1% milk. 14 Researchers created ads showing how a glass of milk contains as much fat as three strips of bacon and displayed mounds of fat at press conferences.
Mapping Your Critical Moves 15 Critical Move 1: Review CCSS resources on and plan PD sessions for districts and principals around observing the ELA/literacy shifts Critical Move 2: Support your districts in mapping out a transition plan for CCSS math implementation until modules are available Critical Move 3: When the math modules are available, use your data to help each district in your NT/NTE decide how to use the modules
Refresher: How Can You Rally the Herd? Learn what motivates those around you Use those motivations to encourage behaviors related to change Promote behaviors that reinforce change Make change the new norm
Motivating the Elephant: Rally the Herd Behavior is contagious: You do things because your peers do them. Overeating Getting married, having kids Shaking hands to greet someone Wearing fashionable fluffy boots Buying an iPhone Think about your “customers” (school and district educators) inside your sphere of influence. What motivates them?
Workbook Refresher
The Workbook Major components: NY State Metrics District Survey District Implementation Readiness Rubric and Superintendent Worksheet NT/NTE Turnkey Plan Template and Checklist District Plan Template and Checklist 19
Using the Workbook Step 1: Internalize metrics Step 2: Assess district and regional status of implementation efforts (Survey is done!) Step 3: Build regional turnkey plans Step 4: Help your districts build district plans Step 5: Implement and adjust plans 20
Using the Workbook Through please respond to the following statements: 1.Our NT/NTE has found the workbook materials to be Very useful Useful Not very useful Not useful at all 2.The most useful tool in the workbook has been The NY State Metrics The District Implementation Readiness Rubric The Sample NT/NTE Turnkey Plan The District Superintendent Regional Implementation Analysis Other 3.What our NT/NTE needs next is: Help in drafting an implementation turnkey plan Feedback on our written plan Examples of other plans Webinars with other NTs/NTEs to learn from others and share what we’re learning 21
Give Us Your Feedback! Throughout the week, let us know: What tools, materials, information, etc. would help your implementation efforts? Jot down ideas, suggestions, comments on post-its Post on the flip chart in the back of the room 22
Analyzing Your Data and Identifying Critical Moves
NT/NTE Worksheet: Working with Schools/Districts Your data probably show that different schools and districts in your district/region will need different types of support. Two new worksheets – one for NTs and one for NTEs - provide guidance on how to focus support for schools/districts based on their overall readiness. Insert the worksheets into your workbook! 24
NT/NTE Worksheet: Working with Schools and Districts 25 Key question to consider about your districts Examples of actions the NT/NTE can take if district is receiving mostly 3s and 4s on the Readiness Rubric Examples of actions the NT/NTE can take if district is receiving mostly 1s and 2s on the Readiness Rubric
NT Example Does the district have its own CCSS implementation plan? 26 Ask the district to share its plan with the NT and offer to provide feedback on the plan Ask the district with which area(s) of the plan it needs the most support Ye s Share the District Plan Checklist and the District Plan Template from the CCSS, APPR and DDI Workbook Share strong plans from other districts Offer to lead a collaborative planning session with district leadership to draft a plan No
NTE Example Does the school have its own CCSS implementation plan? 27 Ask the school to share its plan with the NTE and offer to provide feedback on the plan Ask the school with which area(s) of the plan it needs the most support Ye s Share strong plans from other schools Offer to lead a collaborative planning session with school leadership to draft a plan No
Looking Inward: Reflecting on Your Data Spend the next fifteen minutes reviewing your District Survey data and District Readiness Rubric results with your team. While reviewing, try to consider the following: What in the data surprises you? What in the data concerns you? How do the data affect your critical moves? Do you need new/different critical moves in your implementation plan? 28
Turnkey Plans: How Ready is Your Team? 29
What Are Our Critical Moves? Using everything we’ve discussed tonight – the survey and rubric data, remembering “inch pebbles” and “achievable first steps,” thinking about contagious behaviors, and the new worksheets – jot down new or refined critical moves for your plan.
Your Plan on the Spectrum We have placed a spectrum of confidence on the wall behind you. Using the sticky notes on your table, place your dot on the spectrum in response to the following question: How confident are you that your NT/NTE turnkey implementation will bring about the type of changes and results you are hoping for? 31 Very ConfidentNot Confident At All
The Role of NTs/NTEs: Developing Turnkey Plans Wednesday night: Each NT/NTE will be paired with one other NT/NTE to present its turnkey plan for feedback. Each presentation should last for minutes. Presentations should include: The NT/NTE approach to working with schools/districts A review of bright spots/examples of successes in working with your schools/ districts A review of the biggest challenges to date in working with your schools/districts The key 3-4 areas of focus that the team thinks will make the biggest impact Each team will listen to the other team’s presentations and then provide constructive feedback on plans based on a protocol (to be provided tomorrow evening). Staff are available for consultation and feedback. 32
Refine Your Plans Work with your team to build, finish or improve your plans Use the workbook Use the checklist Build in the solutions you just heard Make it actionable, achievable and bold Prepare to present! All teams will present their plans Wednesday for feedback 33
This is hard! 34
Thank You.