MathMITT, Inc. Providers of essential math skill review programs, math manipulatives and instructional Technology HEADS UP daily math workouts (1 st – 4 th )
is NOT overwhelming to teachers is NOT the daily lessons is NOT drill and kill Heads Up: Heads Up:
Long- Term Memory Sight Sound Smell Taste Touch Meaning Emotion Sensory Memory 99% of what you take in, you sift out! Working Memory discarded & forgotten rehearsal Adapted from Brain Matters, Patricia Wolfe, ASCD, 2001
Ready, Set, Review “So, what should we see in an effective mathematics classroom? A deliberate and carefully planned reliance on ongoing, cumulative review of key skills and concepts Using cumulative review to keep skills and understandings fresh, reinforce previously taught material, and give students a change to clarify their understandings.”
TIME MEMORY RETENTION Without regular review or practice, long-term memory is not developed. Regular review develops and maintains long-term memory. Long term memory MEMORY RETENTION
Heads Up provides regular review to maintain memory of basic mathematical skills and concepts for Grades 1-4. Heads Up is: comprehensive systematic user-friendly affordable
STUDENT WORKBOOK SETS Two terms - 15 weeks per term 5 workouts per week Glossary Table of Measures TRANSPARENCIES 150 transparencies matched to daily workouts (also in digital format) TEACHER MANUAL Answers for daily workouts 12 tests (with answers) BUILDING BLOCKS Available Summer week math review program Componentsof HEADS UP math workouts Grades 1 - 4
comprehensive Each week students do problems that cover basic skills and concepts at a review level for their grade. Whole Numbers Place Value Number Sense Basic Operations Vocabulary and Symbols Fractions Decimals (4 th ) Patterns Algebra Geometry Measurement Time and Money (1 st, 2 nd ) Symmetry & Mapping (2 nd ) Graphing (3 rd, 4 th ) Data Analysis Probability & Statistics (2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th ) BASIC FACTS PROBLEM-SOLVING Whole Numbers Place Value Number Sense Basic Operations Vocabulary and Symbols Fractions Decimals (4 th ) Patterns Algebra Geometry Measurement Time and Money (1 st, 2 nd ) Symmetry & Mapping (2 nd ) Graphing (3 rd, 4 th ) Data Analysis Probability & Statistics (2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th ) BASIC FACTS PROBLEM-SOLVING
DAY 2 Subtraction Fractions Decimals Patterns Vocabulary & Symbols DAY 3 Multiplication Algebra Geometry Measurement DAY 4 Division Graphing Data Analysis Probability & Statistics Sample from HEADS UP! Orange Grade 4 Sample from HEADS UP! Orange Grade 4 DAY 1 Addition Whole Numbers Place Value Number Sense Basic Operations Fractions DAY 5 Problem Solving
Transparencies match the daily workouts. Answers TRANSPARENCIES for teaching and self-correcting
digit numerator divisor 1. I feel I’m making progress. 2. I’m getting better at word problems. (4 x 2) x 8 = 8 x 8 = 64 Student reflection Other practice. Listing words to remember. Assessing the week’s work. PAGE 6 Formative evaluation and reflection
I feel I’m making progress. 2. I’m getting better at word problems. (4 x 2) x 8 = 8 x 8 = 64 digit numerator divisor WEEK 5 KEEPING TRACK Recording student performance Transfer weekly results to create a picture of strengths and weaknesses.
TESTS Pre-Test Post-Test 12 tests for the year Two for each of the 6 cycles
MORE FUN More Fun sample from HEADS UP! Kiwi Grade 1 More Fun sample from HEADS UP! Kiwi Grade 1 More Fun sample from HEADS UP! Cherry Grade 2 More Fun sample from HEADS UP! Cherry Grade 2
Vocabulary words are capitalized and defined in the workbook GLOSSARY. GLOSSARY
TABLE OF MEASURES Measurements are referenced in the student workbook’s TABLE OF MEASURES.
user-friendly does interfere with planned lessons. does NOT interfere with planned lessons. comes ready to use and requires minimal class or teacher prep time. comes ready to use and requires minimal class or teacher prep time. provides the opportunity for students to self- correct and track their results. provides the opportunity for students to self- correct and track their results. has a diagnostic component. has a diagnostic component. Designed by teachers for teachers, our program:
Response to Intervention Our programs are used both at Tier 1 to supplement the core instructional mathematics curriculum and Tier 2 with follow-up Skill Builders. Using the programs ensure that more students are able to meet grade level norms without additional assistance because of the comprehensive, systematic review of essential basic skills and concepts. The weekly tracking provides frequent progress monitoring, thus identifying which students need additional instruction and review. This review is done with the Skill Builders.
affordable HEADS UP! - only $8.00 per student per year. less than 5¢ per day.
Heads Up : comprehensive systematic user-friendly affordable For more information visit: or