Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia1DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 Source Detection with the Perugia Wavelet code (PGWave) Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope G. Tosti, G. Discepoli, D.Impiombato Physics Dept. & INFN - Perugia
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia2DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 Source Detection Pipeline gtcntsmap PGWave2D.exe Region_1 Region_ Region_n Backg_1 Backg_ Backg_n list_1 List_ List List_n Source catalog gtobssim Bkg Events File DC2 FT2 v1DC2 FT1 v
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia3DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 INPUT DATA DC2 FT1 & FT2 v1 files, all events used Sky coverage: 0<=RA<=360, -80<=DEC<=+80 –Counts and Bkg maps: 40x40 deg (px size=0.25 deg) for -55<=DEC<=+55 30x30 deg (px size =0.25 deg) for -80<=DEC<-50 and 50<DEC<=80 Overlapping among maps: 5 deg. Projection: CAR (see Calabretta & Greisen, 2002,A&A 395, 1077) Energy range: 100MeV<E<20GeV
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia4DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 PGWave Code PGWave is the “a priori” source detection code which implement a medley of several methods: Wavelet Transform (Mexican Hat) - Sliding Cell - Threshold and Find algorithms
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia5DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 PGWave input options In order to detect the maximum number of sources: We used 8 Wavelet scales: (in pixels). We set the threshold k-significance of the detection at the minimum (equivalent to about 2 sigma, see Damiani et al. 1997). We disabled the more than one scale detection option. We disabled the S/N ratio threshold option
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia6DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 PGWave output source list crab.fits [ID][X][Y][RA][DEC][SNR][K-signf][Counts][SigC][BKG][SigBkg]
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia7DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 The Crab region gtobssim Background Mapgtcntsmap Counts Map
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia8DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 The Crab region Boxcircle = PGW Box = 3EG Cross = LAT_DC2_v1 Wavelet Transformed Map
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia9DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 Significance map Boxcircle = PGW Box = 3EG Cross = LAT_DC2_v1 k-Significance Map
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia10DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 DC2 PGWave Catalog 934 Sources detected
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia11DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 PGWave Catalog at ASDC (the on-line catalog was obtained applying cuts on the S/N & k-sign value)
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia12DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 Catalog statistics k=2.5 k-sign
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia13DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 DC2 v1 LAT_cat & 3EG Matching
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia14DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 DC2 v1 LAT_cat & 3EG Matching 329 LAT_Cat_v1 sources detected 229 3EG sources detected
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia15DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, c279 region False detection gtobssim Background Mapgtcntsmap Counts Map
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia16DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 RA=35 -- DEC=-35 gtobssim Background Mapgtcntsmap Counts Map
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia17DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 RA=245 –DEC=0 gtobssim Background Mapgtcntsmap Counts Map
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia18DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 The Moon and Sun Paths Sun Moon 01/01/208
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia19DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 The Moon
Gino Tosti – INFN Perugia20DC2 Closeout Meeting - GSFC May 31 –June 2, 2006 Conclusion We have created a catalog of 934 sources (including the false ones) 339/934 are in common with The LAT v1 229/934 are in common with the 3EG Catalog Next step: comparison with the ‘true’ simulated sources catalog