Winter update sessions with Civic Centre teams Option 1: Thur, Dec 4 th 2014 ( 15:00-16:00, CR3) Option 2: Wed, Dec 10 th 2014 (13:00-14:00, CR3) Winter update…
1. How’s it going? Teams progress, stories, challenges, updates 2. Using the online workbook : complete your criteria Criteria structure + point system Evidence and audits 3. My team Team profile Action plan: Who does what and when? Communication channels 4. Coming up… Winter update…
How well do you understand Green Impact? What is Green Impact? How would you describe it to your colleagues? 1. How’s it going? not at all well Very well
What is the best feature of Green Impact? What is the biggest challenge of Green Impact? 1. How’s it going?
2. Using the online workbook - criteria structure Criteria = bite sized actions + support
2. Using the online workbook - criteria structure WHAT to do
2. Using the online workbook - criteria structure WHY and HOW to do it
The workbook audits: -Desk audit (uploaded evidence) -Walk-around audit (observe workplace, talk to staff) 2. Using the online workbook
2. Using the online workbook - criteria structure Complete your criteria
Upload evidence -Promo materials -Photos - s -Minutes -…… does not have to be anything official!
2. Using the online workbook - Point system Bronze – min 10 Bronze Criteria 80 Bronze/Bonus points Silver – min 10 Bronze + 5 Silver criteria 160 Bronze, Silver or Bonus points Gold – will be awarded to the team that gains the most points overall!
2. Using the online workbook - Point system +Special Awards: - Environmental Hero Award - Innovation for Engagement Award - Environmental Improvement Award - Community Action Award Allocated by a judging panel; provide a 300 word case study to enter. Working Towards – start doing any of the criteria even if it’s only a few;
Team name: Date registered to online workbook: Green Ambassador(s): (nominated or volunteered to be the key contact for the team) Green Champions: (The team members actively driving the completion of criteria. They will probably also be registered to your team’s workbook) Team members: 3. My team - Team profile
3. My team - Team action plan CriterionWho will do what?Date started Date completed (Make sure you’ve uploaded evidence)
3. My team - Team action plan Step1: short-list criteria Step 2: what do you have to do? What evidence? What resources? Step 3: Who will do what when? Ask for support if necessary
3. My team – Comms channels Green notice board (or something to that effect…) Posters Team meeting – regular updates signature e.g. feature criterion of the month Regular update ………
The biggest impact… Some habits to adopt Switch off computers and monitors at the end of the day [B001] Switch off lights and projectors in Conference Rooms Take the stairs [B003] Close meeting room doors [B004] Think before you print : [B006-8] Use your own mug (+get double stamps!) [B017] Ditch the heaters and fans and dress more appropriately Show off what you’re doing to have a Green Impact! [B021]
4. Coming soon… The Everest Challenge
4. Coming soon… Staff travel survey Efficient printing guidance Business mileage monitoring scheme Waste audits Food waste recycling Data monitoring Cycle training Energy awareness survey…
Ready to Go! ? ? ?