Curriculum, Courses, Syllabi By Sue Field DNP, RN, CNE
Notes to Self 1. Questions during presentation 2. “Take Aways”
12 Month Program Summer: 6 to 8 credits Anatomy and Composition each 3 or 4 credits Fall: 11 to 12 Nursing credits + Developmental Psych 3 or 4 credits (14 to 16 credits)) Spring: 14 Nursing Credits Total: 34 to 38
1 st Semester (Summer) Anatomy Composition Total Credits: 6 to 8
2nd Semester Nursing Courses Foundations of Practical Nursing (4 or 5 cr. 2/2 or 3/2) Care of the Older Adult (3 credits 2/1) Pharmacology 1 credit Clinical I: 3 credits Total: 11 to 12 credits Nursing General Education Courses Developmental Psychology 3 to 4 credits Total: 14 to 16 credits
3rd Semester Nursing Courses Care of the Adult 3 credits (2/1) Care of Women/Newborns/Children (3 credits (2/1) Psychosocial Nursing (1 credit) Transition to Practice (1 credit) Clinicals 6 credits Total: 13 credits General Education Course None
Clinical Evaluation Tools Sue Field DNP, RN, CNE
Objectives The Participant will 1. Describe how the Student Learning Outcomes and Role Specific Competencies are measured in clinical evaluation tools 2. Analyze Clinical Portfolios and choose a model to review in own nursing program.
Table 1: The Student Learning Outcome Organize the Curriculum… Workbook: Page 4
1.Page 5 - SLO: Informatics/Technology Competency: Informatics 2.Page 6 - SLO: Managing Care Competency: Managing Care Competency: Assign/Monitor 3.Page 7 – SLO: Nursing Judgment/Evidence Competency: Prioritization of Care 4.Page 7 & 8 – SLO: Nursing Judgment/Evidence Competency: Nursing Judgment 5.Page 9 – SLO: Pt/Relationship Centered Care Competency: Nursing Process 6.Page 9 & 10 – SLO: Pt. Relationship Centered Competency: Communication 7.Page 10 – SLO: Patient Relationship Centered Competency: Learning Needs 8.Page 11 – SLO: Professional Identity Competency Ethical/Legal 9.Page 12 – SLO: Professional Identity Competency: Professionalism 10.Page 12 – SLO Quality Improvement Competency: Patient Care concerns 11.Page 12 – SLO Quality Improvement Competency: Organizations/Systems 12.Page 13 – SLO Safety Competency: Safe Nursing Practice 13.Page 13 – SLO Safety Competency: Patient Complications 14.Page 15 – SLO Teamwork and Collaboration Competency: Communications 15.Page 16 – SLO Teamwork and Collaboration Competency: Conflict Resolution
1. Scope of Practice? 2. Changes? 1 st Semester Level 1 Foundations of PN Nursing Care of the Older Adult Pharmacology Clinical I 2 nd Semester Level 2 Care of the Adult Care of Women/Newborns/Children Psychosocial Nursing Clinical II
Clinical Evaluation Tools were Developed Using 2 Different Grading Rubrics Chapter 3, Page 22 in the Workbook Clinical I Evaluation Tools: Satisfactory-needs improvement-unsatisfactory grading rubric. The Clinical II Evaluation Tools provided use the Bondy grading scale.
The Clinical Evaluation Tools Below can be Modified to your Nursing Program. Daily Evaluation Form for Clinical I Daily Evaluation Form for Clinical II Instructor Grading Sheet for Clinical I Midterm/Final Evaluation for Clinical I Midterm/Final Evaluation for Clinical II Example of a Preceptor Evaluation Tool
S-NI-U Grading P. 24 Workbook Satisfactory: accomplish the criteria minimal supportive cues, is safe and accurate, with appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior Needs Improvement needs frequent to occasional supportive cues Performance level is inconsistent Unsatisfactory 1. Formative Evaluation: behavior that is unsafe or leads to an anecdotal note 2. Summative Evaluation: unable to demonstrate a satisfactory score on a criteria,
Bondy Grading Rubric: P. 26 Workbook Scale label Professional StandardQuality of PerformanceAssistance required Independent -Safe -Accurate -Action produces desired result -Appropriate verbal and non-verbal behaviors -Proficient, coordinated, confident -Occasional expenditure of excess energy -Within an expedient time period -Without supportive cues Supervised -Safe -Accurate -Action produces desired results -Appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior. -Efficient, coordinated, confident -Some expenditure of excess energy -Within a reasonable time period -Occasional supportive cues Assisted -Safe -Accurate -Action produces desired results -Appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior Skillful in parts of behavior Inefficient and un- coordinated -Expands excess energy -Within a delayed time period -Frequent verbal and occasional physical and directive cues in addition to supportive ones. Marginal -Unsafe -Performs at risk -Action does not produce desired result -Inappropriate verbal and/or non- verbal behavior -Unskilled, inefficient -Considerable expenditure of excess energy -Prolonged time period Continuous verbal and frequent physical cues Dependent -Unsafe -Unable to demonstrate desired behavior -Inappropriate verbal and/or non- verbal behavior -Unable to demonstrate procedure/ behavior -Continuous verbal and physical cues
Examples of Daily Evaluation Tools for Clinical I with S-NI-U and Bondy Rubrics Page 23 and 25
Instructors can keep a Personal Record of Each Student on the Following Instructor Clinical Evaluation Tool Page 27
Managing Care: Ethical Comportment?
Both Formative and Summative Evaluations should be Completed on Students. Formative Evaluation Ongoing Evaluation Midterm Can be Daily Evaluation as well Summative Evaluation Final Evaluation All Competencies MUST be achieved to pass
Midterm/Final Evaluation Forms are Displayed Using the 2 Different Grading Rubrics. Page 29 and Page 37
Where can you find these templates? Accreditation.php Accreditation.php
We have 2 Examples of Clinical Portfolios And one Program Portfolio 1. Using the midterm evaluation and having students insert documents within the portfolio 2. Caputi’s Model Page 45 of Workbook
The Caputi’s Model for a Clinical Portfolio P. 48 of Workbook
This is an example of a Caputi Porfolio (Example using Caputi Template)
Example of Midterm/Final Evaluation Portfolio Using the Evaluation Form (Using Midterm/Final Evaluation Templates)
Example of a Program Portfolio Using Template on Page 4 in Workbook You could arrange this in D2L, have hard copies of grades and assignments Or have it on a document like this that the students put their finished products into.
Ethical Comportment- Nursing Judgment ?