10 millimetres = 1 centimetre Draw 1 millimeter on your paper using a ruler… what did you learn about millimeters from doing this? Can you name any objects in the room that are smaller than 1 centimeter? Why would you use millimeters instead of centimeters to measure? 10 millimetres = 1 centimetre Complete Practice Booklet Pages 1 and 2
Millimeters and Centimeters Complete page 1 and 2 in Student Booklet Complete page 3 in Practice Booklet Complete page 64 in Student Workbook
Journal – Millimetres (mm) Complete page 3 in Student Booklet In our world what would we measure with the millimetre unit and why is this unit useful?
Millimetres, Centimetres and Metres Create large shapes on the floor using masking tape. Measure them by following your lines with string and then measuring the string using a metre stick. How would this measurement change if you used a different unit of measurement? m? cm? mm? Try each one!
Converting Units Complete page 4 in Practice Booklet Millimetre (mm) Centimetre (cm) Metre (m) 1 mm 0.1 cm 0.001 m 10 mm 1 cm 0.01 m 100 mm 10 cm 0.1 m 1000 mm 100 cm 1 m Complete page 4 in Practice Booklet Complete page 5 in Student Booklet
Converting Units Complete page 4 in your Student Booklet Remember that next day we will be taking a short walk around the community. Please remember to dress warm!
Walking 1 Kilometre 1 kilometre = 1 000 metres
Distance from home to school Kilometres How far do you travel to get to school? Distance from home to school Less than 1 km More than 1 km About 1 km Predict how many times you would walk around the school to travel 1 kilometre
Estimating Units of Measurement Which unit of measurement would you use to measure… The distance from the hospital to the school? The tip of your pinky finger? A pencil? A car? Millimetres (mm), centimetres (cm), metres(m) or kilometres (km)
Estimating Units of Measurement Complete Student Workbook page 65 Complete Mapping Activity in Student Booklet pages 6 – 8
Choosing the Right Unit Choose five parts of your body to trace Get a partner to trace you using pencil and chart paper Measure your body parts using the appropriate unit of measurement Record on page 9 in student booklet
Journal – Converting Units Complete page 10 in student booklet If you change metres to centimetres, will the numerical value become greater or less? Why?
Perimeter and Area- Rectangles Perimeter - The area around something Perimeter of a rectangle = l + l + w + w Area – the amount of space an object covers Area of a rectangle = length x width
Find the Perimeter Perimeter of a rectangle = 2l + 2w or 2 (l + w) Create as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 20 cm 281_g_2_t_4.html?open=activities& from=topic_t_4.html Complete Perimeter Notebook Activity Complete page 66 in student workbook
Find the Area Complete Area Notebook Activity Area of a rectangle = length x width Complete Area Notebook Activity Complete page 67 in student workbook
Pigs robert munsch Megan is told to feed the pigs, but not to open the gate. She does of course, and the results are hilarious as the pigs help themselves to coffee and the newspaper at the breakfast table, follow Megan to school, and ride home by way of the school bus.
Constructed Response - Area Complete the constructed response on page 11 of the student booklet A farmer has 100 m of fencing to make a pen for his pigs. He decides a rectangle would be the best shape. What are some possible sizes of pens he could make? How do the areas of the pens compare and what size they would recommend and why? What pen has the greatest area? What is special about this rectangle?
Find the perimeter and area of a classroom door, then come up with a concept for our “Spring” door. Draw your door and list all the necessary materials and their measurements. Write your name at the top and enter it into the teacher inbox to deicide our “Spring has Sprung” door!
Complete unit review on page 269 in textbook Math Review Complete unit review on page 269 in textbook
Volume Volume – the amount of space occupied by a 3- dimensional object Measured in cubic centimetres (for small objects) and metres (for large objects) Volume of rectangular prism = length x width x height Complete page 68 in workbook h w l
Volume – Cubic Centimetres s.html What is the volume of this rectangular prism? length x width x height
Volume – Cubic Centimetres Complete page 69 in workbook Complete journal entry page 14 of booklet How could you figure out how many cubes would fit in a box without filling it? Explain.
Towers Activity When finished complete page 15 in student booklet
Volume – Cubic Metres Complete page 70 in workbook Complete journal entry on page 15 in student booklet Name a 3-D object that could be measured using cubic centimetres and a 3-D object that would be measured in cubic metres and explain why?
Capacity Capacity is used for measuring liquids or the containers that hold those liquids It is measured using millilitres (ml)or litres (L) Order your containers from least to greatest… What did you notice?
Capacity – Frayer Model Real-Life Problems and Visual Representations Definition Term Examples Non-examples
Capacity – Frayer Model Definition: Capacity is the amount that a container can hold. Real Life Problems and Visual Representations: Sarah is filling a 1L plastic bottle with different color sand. Which of the following containers filled with sand could she use to completely fill her bottle? Container A: 355 ml Container B: 225 ml Container C: 125 ml Container D: 420 ml Container E: 160 ml Possibilities: Fill container C, 4 times. Fill Containers A, B, and D, 1 time each Fill Container D twice and Container E once. Examples: sand in a sandbox water in a swimming pool juice in a pitcher milk in a glass Non-Examples: fencing around a garden lace around a tablecloth painting walls tiling floors
Capacity - Estimation Complete page 72 in workbook Mr. Franklin filled a bucket with water to clean his floor. Does the bucket probably hold 9 litres of water or 9 millilitres of water? Explain. A millilitre is about 20 drops of water. This bottle is 1 L of water.
Activity Complete pages 283 and 284, in textbook Questions 1 - 4
Capacity - Conversion Complete page 17 of student booklet To convert from litres (L) to millilitres (ml) you must multiply by 1 000 1 L = 1 000 ml To convert from millilitres (ml) to litres (L) you must divide by 1 000 1 000 ml = 1 L
Journal Entry Complete page 18 in student booklet
Review Complete review page 19 – 21 in student booklet Play “Pour It!” in groups of 2-4 players