Get the Edge! Pennsylvania Soft Launch Orientation January 2014 Where People Connect, Communities Connect!
Introductions Overview and Timeline How this will Work Review of Benchmarks Resources Using Results Q and A SESSION OVERVIEW Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities INTRODUCTIONS Name Library Number of branches When was the first time you used a PC?
All people should have opportunities to enrich and improve their lives through open access to exceptional information, communication and technology services available in public libraries. ULTIMATE EDGE INITIATIVE GOAL Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities BENCHMARK GOALS A tangible set of public access technology benchmarks designed to help local library leaders use technology to support local community priorities and deliver library programs. Benchmarks help library leaders prioritize and manage public access technology Motivate reinvestment and inspire continuous improvement Community outcomes and positive social impact
The coalition of leading library and local government organizations working on Edge includes: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation –funding partner for Edge Urban Libraries Council – the lead agency for Edge American Library Association, OITP International City/County Management Association Lyrasis OCLC’s WebJunction Public Library Association State Libraries of California, Oklahoma and Texas TechSoup Global Universities of Maryland and Washington Where People Connect, Communities THE EDGE ROUNDTABLE
Opportunity to FOCUS on technology in library Assess current public access technology and how it’s used Identify ways to strengthen or enhance public access technology Engage with key leaders about the value of the public library in strengthening communities WHY IS EDGE IMPORTANT FOR PUBLIC LIBARIES? Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities TIMELINE EDGE PILOT 22 PA Libraries June – Sept 2013 EDGE STATEWIDE Training Registration January 22, 2014 EDGE LAUNCH Libraries take the Edge Feb. – Mar STATEWIDE FOLLOW-UP April 2014
HOW THIS WILL WORK Registration begins on January 22, 2014, all libraries should go to Click on sign up Select their library from the drop down menu Enter contact information, certify authorization as representative for library, submit form Library will receive verification and link to workbook Within 10 business days they will receive activation link to log on and begin assessment. They must click on link within 14 days, or the account will be deleted. Update your Library Profile Take the Assessment – Complete by March 24, 2014 View Results and Reports View Recommendations Create and Manage Action Plan Where People Connect, Communities
EDGE BENCHMARKS VERSION benchmarks to assess public access technology services across three main areas Where People Connect, Communities Engaging the Community and Decision Makers Organizational Management Community Value
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK The Edge Assessment Workbook will assist you will collecting information needed to complete the Online Assessment Where People Connect, Communities
BENCHMARK 9 Benchmark 9: Libraries have sufficient devices and bandwidth to accommodate user demand. Information entered into the library profile will automatically produce required calculations Where People Connect, Communities
THE EDGE TOOLKIT INCLUDES: The Benchmarks Version 1.0 Assessment Tool for collecting and reporting library data Resource Guide and Case Studies for identifying ways to strengthen the library Training for public library staff Communication Tools for promoting your work with Edge Executive Tool for engaging key community leaders Where People Connect, Communities
ONLINE TOOLS - DASHBOARD Where People Connect, Communities
ONLINE TOOLS - ASSESSMENT Where People Connect, Communities
ONLINE TOOL-Helpful Tips/Things To Know Where People Connect, Communities Use printed out assessment workbook to collect data ahead of time; filling it out before starting the online assessment. This will save time and headaches! Invite staff to participate in filling out the workbook and for discussion. Selecting the browser back button will exit you from the application. You have 60 days after you take the assessment to go back and modify answers. You can’t jump around, must complete the online assessment in order. If you answer YES to a question, it must be an absolute YES.
COMMUNICATION TOOLS Where People Connect, Communities Message set Edge Social Media Content Edge Web Content PPT slides Fact sheet
PENNSYLVANIA’S EDGE SUPPORT Where People Connect, Communities Select Resources Select Edge
YOUR SUPPORT TEAM From the Urban Libraries Council: (the lead agency for the Edge Initiative) Jake Cowan, Senior Program Manager Lourdes Aceves, Project Manager Alison Saffold, Senior Communications Manager Colleen Bragiel, Project Manager – Media and Marketing From the State Library of Pennsylvania: Stacey Aldrich, State Librarian Susan Pannebaker, Library Development Director Diana Megdad, Library Consultant Where People Connect, Communities
EDGE SUPPORT CONTACTS EDGE SUPPORT CENTER Go directly to create support requests access a knowledge base and a content repository Support requests will be acknowledged immediately with an automated message with an initial (manual) response within 1 business day. More complicated requests may take longer to resolve. STATE LIBRARY CONTACTS Diana MegdadSusan Pannebaker PHONE: PHONE: Where People Connect, Communities
USING RESULTS Where People Connect, Communities Review results Identify areas to improve Plan for action
Q AND A Where People Connect, Communities