Brooke Weston Wednesday 6 th October 2010 AQA Modular Maths
The Structure of KS4 assessment InternalExternal - AQA (B) MODULAR 1.End of topic tests 2.Pupils assessed against their individual MIN target and ASP 3.Movement between pairs of sets possible. TitleWeightingAssess’Date UNIT 1Statistics & Number26.7% 1 hour (Calculator) Nov 2010 UNIT 2Number & Algebra33.3% 1 hour 15 mins (Non Calculator) June 2010 UNIT 3Geometry & Algebra40% 1 hour 30 mins (Calculator) June %
When is the first examination? External - AQA (B) MODULAR Tuesday 9 th November 9am Start 1 Hour Long Calculator Term 2 Week 3
What tier will I be taking? GradeA*ABCDEFG Higher Foundation Unit 1UNIT 2UNIT 3 Statistics & Number Number & Algebra Geometry & Algebra HIGHERChoose Tier
How the setting is structured. Higher A* – D Set Target Grade Miss. Liston10-1A/A* Miss. Lynch10-2A/B Mir. Severinsen10-3B/C Mr. Murphy10-4C/B Mr. Severinsen10-5A/A* Mr. Murphy10-6A/B Mr. Costello10-7B/C Miss. Lynch10-8C/B
Unit 1 – Statistics & Number Statistics & Number (26.7%) Displaying Data All types of diagrams and charts. Drawing conclusions from and interpreting data and diagrams Using data and diagrams to make conclusions within the context of a real life problem. Collecting, sorting and analysing data. Calculating averages and measures of spread. Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Ratio & Proportion Rounding, Significant Figures, Standard Form Algebra: Equation, formula, expression
Aim of the Mathematics Dept’ “Our aim is to make maths accessible and enjoyable for all students as well as showing it’s relevance to everyday life.”
Listening Communication Reasoning Problem solving ICT Mental arithmetic What skills do I need in maths?
What equipment do I need? Firstly…the simple stuff! Pens Pencils Rulers etc… Secondly…maths specific equipment Calculator (£6.00: Go to Finance) Pair of compasses “Everything should be brought to every lesson”
What happens next? Go back to maths classroom and get: Folder Revision Guide / Workbook / Answers Examination Pack “Everything should be brought to every lesson” AT LEAST the first exam paper MUST be completed by the first lesson after the holiday. PRACTICE EXAMINATION FOR ALL STUDENTS THE FIRST LESSON BACK.