Q UIZ Direction: Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Begin
1. What is the etymology of the word spreadsheet? A. Fix B. Sheet C. Spread D. Propagate
2. It is consist of a number of individual worksheet, each containing a block or cells arranged in rows and columns? A. Worksheet B. Workbook C. Cells D. Rows
3. It is the vertical space that is going up and down the window? A. Rows B. Columns C. Worksheet D. Cells
4. It have a maximum of rows and the maximum number of columns is 1024? A. Worksheet B. Columns C. Rows D. Workbook
5. Define as the horizontal space that is going across down the window? A. Cells B. Rows C. Columns D. Sorting
6. It is the space where a specific row and columns intersects? A. Cells B. Worksheet C. Workbook D. Slot
7. It is the process of arranging data in order either descending or ascending? A. Selecting B. Sorting C. Organizing D. Saving
8. It is an expression which uses arithmetic operators? A. Equal sign B. Formula C. Negative D. Addition
9. What is the function name that adds content of the two cells or range of cells? A. =SUM B. =PRODUCT C. =SUMIF D. =AVERAGE
10. It is the function that searches for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify in the table? A. HLOOKUP B. IF C. VLOOKUP D. FREQUENCY
11. It is combining separate text into one text? A. Reference Operator B. Function C. Text Operation D. Formula
12. It is where you enter data? A. Function B. Workbook C. Workbook D. Spreadsheet
13. Calculates the sum of all cells in the intersection. A. Text Operator B. Formula C. Reference Operator D. Function
14. It is a reference operator that has a sign of : (colon). A. Intersection B. Cells C. Range D. Average
15. Reference operator that has a sign of ! ( exclamatory point). A. Range B. Intersection C. Average D. Round
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