DENVER CHAPTER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The Denver Chapter of the Western Pension & Benefits Conference (“WP&BC”) is the third largest chapter in the Western US region of all WP&BC chapters. It is a diverse and growing organization dedicated to serving the educational needs of professionals within the pension and employee benefits industry. Our members include plan sponsors, human resources professionals, attorneys, consultants, actuaries, accountants, trust officers, investment managers and communications experts who span from the Front Range of Colorado to the Pacific Ocean. Throughout the year, we host a series of luncheons and other sessions hosting speakers in the employee benefits field (average attendance is 70 members and guests), designed to be educational and topical to our membership. We welcome the opportunity to discuss a wide range of sponsorships that are available to fit your organization’s needs and support your marketing strategy in this region. Benefits of Sponsorship: Cost effective access to over 70 professionals at one event Credibility with organization of industry professionals Follow-up networking opportunities Platinum Sponsor $1,750 Gold Sponsor $750 Silver Sponsor $500 Exclusive sponsorship at 1 event 2 minute “infomercial” at 1 event Logo displayed on event agenda Logo displayed on opening slide Logo displayed on event Three free attendees at event Recognition as a WP&BC sponsor and logo on all mailings, s and brochures for 12 months Link to your website Table with signage at entrance Promo material on chairs You may have a drawing to collect business cards of attendees One “Gold Membership” provided Logo displayed on 1 event agenda Logo displayed on opening slide Logo displayed on event Two free attendees at event Link to your website Table with signage at entrance Promo material on chairs You may have a drawing to collect business cards of attendees One regular membership Logo displayed on 1 event agenda Logo displayed on opening slide Logo displayed on event One free attendee at event Link to your website Table with signage at entrance
DENVER CHAPTER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES DateLocationEvent May TBDTBDSpecialty Session TBD 9/14/10 Luncheon TBDTopic and speaker TBD 10/12/10 Luncheon TBDTopic and speaker TBD 11/12/10TBDTopic and speaker TBD 12/14/10TBDTopic and speaker TBD 2010 WP&BC Denver Chapter Events Scheduled
DENVER CHAPTER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Instructions and Important Information: Signage is limited to dimensions of approximately four feet by three feet (or other size, by approval of WP&BC Denver Chapter). The sign may be displayed on an easel or similar device (usually provided by the hotel/restaurant). The sponsor is responsible for the creation of the sign as well as delivery, set up and removal for each meeting. The sign may display the sponsor’s logo, company name, any applicable marketing slogan and the fact that it is a sponsor of the event. In selecting sponsors for monthly meetings, the Chapter will endeavor to avoid having a sponsor assigned to a meeting where the speaker for the meeting is employed by a competing company. The “2 minute infomercial” script (related to the Platinum Sponsorship) is subject to the approval of the WP&BC Denver Chapter The Chapter reserves the right to decline sponsor applications. In order to provide a fair opportunity to all, a company may only sponsor one luncheon meeting per fiscal year. An event’s sponsorship booking will not be final until payment has been received by the Chapter. Sponsors may sign up at any time during the year. However, benefits related to sponsorship are not prorated and not carried over to a subsequent year unless the Chapter agrees otherwise. Sponsorships are limited at each level and are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Deadline for sponsorship participation is two weeks before the scheduled event. If you have any questions regarding the sponsorship program, please contact [enter name, phone and address here.] Application form (see next page) and payment should be sent to: First Last Name Company Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number Address Thank you for your support!
DENVER CHAPTER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sponsorship Application Please indicate which sponsorship program(s) your company would like to participate in: Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Contact Information Your Name: Company Name: Company Address: City / State / Zip Contact Phone & Fax Contact Signature & Date: Check Enclosed Payment Information: Credit Card (completed below) [ ] AMEX [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard Card Number:Expiration: Cardholder Name: Billing Address: Authorized Signature: Requesting Date / Event For Sponsorship:___________ 4