Graduate Programs in Psychology Dr. Michael Anziano
Graduate Degrees in Clinical and Counseling Psychology M Ed. In Counseling (education Masters) MA or MS in Counseling Psychology MA in Clinical Psychology MSW (masters in Social Work) Psy D. (Doctor of Psychology) Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
Graduate School Admission Criteria ** Always or Nearly Always Rated High
Psychology MA or MS Programs Admission is less competitive –Mean GPA typically 2.75 – 3.0 –Median GRE usually 500 Verbal; 540 Q Completion Time Median is 2 years Types of Programs (Examples) –General Psyc MA –Psyc Research or Doctoral Prep MA/MS –Clinical MA some with MFT emphasis –Counseling Psyc MA –Forensic Psyc MA (Univ. of Denver)
Psychology MA or MS Programs More students accepted – larger cohorts (e.g., students may be admitted each year) Internships usually required for Clinical or Counseling Psychology MA Univ. counseling services / community Off-campus clinic / Therapeutic setting Can be a route to acceptance in Ph. D. Program –e.g., In 2003, 8/12 Ph.D. candidates in Counseling Psychology at Denver Univ. went to MA Program at D.U.!
MA Programs: examples
PsyD. – Professional Degree Programs Admission fairly competitive - 4 –5 years to complete Usually offered in Schools of Professional Psychology Less research oriented – more applied / practice Prepares one for work in clinics, hospitals, private practice and state licensure. Involves assessment, clinical skills,& treatment of psychological problems. Internships required 2 nd /3 rd year
PsyD. – Professional Degree Programs Some programs offer specialty areas – for example: Clinical Psy D Forensic Psy D or Psy D / JD comb. Clinical Neuropsychology Psy D Health Psychology Psy D Ecosystemic Child Clinical (Alliant U) Larger class size admitted - examples: 42/120 admitted 117/184 admitted 71/159 admitted
PsyD. – Professional Degree Programs: DRAWBACKS EXPENSIVE !! Tuition high / Financial aid low Not much in grants, scholarships or TA or RA opportunities. Students often older Median GRE approximately 575 for Verbal and Quantitative
PsyD. Programs (APA accredited)
Ph.D. Programs in Psychology Admission most competitive – especially Clinical Psychology programs Very small cohorts admitted - e.g., 6 –15 new students each year in University Programs Example: U. of Ariz. ( ) –Clinical Psychology: 8 / 211 accepted More research-oriented in all Ph.D. areas. –One is “expected to contribute to growth of knowledge” Breadth and depth of research required Doctoral Dissertation may take 1 – 3 or more years to complete...
Ph.D. Programs in Psychology Many areas of specialization: –Clinical, Counseling, Social, Experimental, Developmental, Neuroscience, Ethology, Educational, Cognitive, etc. Median # of years to complete = 6 Tuition varies, but Financial aid often excellent. With so few students all will generally get some funding – e.g., TA or RA paid position Tuition remission; Grants and scholarships
Ph.D. Programs in Psychology Research or Clinical experience weighted heavily in admission decisions. GRE scores very important. Consider Counseling Psych Programs housed in Colleges of Education (vs. Psych Dept. Clinical) Some Professional Grad Schools offer APA accredited Ph.D.
Ph.D. Programs – Clinical Psychology (APA accredited)
Ph.D. Programs in Counseling Psychology Program C.S.U. Fort Collins Univ. of Denver U.C. Santa Barb. Florida St. Univ. Univ. of Indiana Univ. of Kentucky GRE V; Q 650; ; ; ; GPA Accept. Rate 14 / / / / 45 9 / / 21 Tuition $ Low High Med Aid$ Good Fair Excel Excel.
MSW Programs Admission competitive, but requirements vary (e.g., GRE may not be required for admission) Preparation for working with youth, families, agencies, community organizations, government Careers in Dept. of Social Services, Community Mental Health Centers, Child Welfare Agencies, Social Policy and Community Organization Approximately 60 credit hours… Takes 2 – 3 years to complete
MSW Programs Many programs consist of: Foundation Year and Concentration Year. Typical concentrations: Clinical Practice: social work counseling with couples, families. Child welfare issues, High-Risk youth, adult health/ subs.abuse Community Practice: Organization and Policy issues, social change, community leadership, agency reform, etc. Admission: Generally a BA plus 20 semester hours in social/behavioral science (e.g., psychology) GPA: approximately 3.0 minimum GRE not required for some programs (e.g., U of Denver)
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