Partnerships and Planning for Livable and Sustainable Communities and Corridors American Public Transportation Association August 2, 2011
Where do we start? Region-wide miles of new rail 18 miles of bus transit West Corridor: 12.1 miles from Denver Union Station to Jefferson County – Golden, Colorado/ 4 stations in Denver
New Transit in the City This is not your grandma’s TOD! Value capture –CITY: Higher tax revenue –RTD: Joint development – transit authority –RTD: Increased farebox revenues –RTD: lower access costs –RTD: increased ridership –RESIDENTS: lowers transportation costs –RESIDENTS: added property value –BUSINESSES: enhanced foot traffic
NEEDS improved housing stock better access to transit and jobs opportunities for active lifestyles and access to healthy foods increasing demand for housing near transit in metro Denver (40% of this demand low income HH)
1.provide more transportation choices. 2.promote equitable, affordable housing. 3.enhance economic competitiveness. existing communities. 5.coordinate policies and leverage investment. 6.value communities and neighborhoods. LIVABILITY PRINCIPLES
housing jobs transportation
What does Livability mean?
Objective #1: Better connections to transit Objective #2: Prioritize infrastructure projects for future investment Enhanced Transit
Bicycle boulevards are a new, innovative type of bicycle facility that optimizes low volume, residential streets for bicycle travel. The Knox Court bicycle boulevard study complements other active transportation projects occurring in the west side. Knox Court from Alameda to Lakewood Gulch would link the bicycle boulevard to the Knox Court LRT station. The completion of these facilities will create a backbone for the active transportation network in the west side
Outcomes &Benchmarks Program OutcomeBenchmark # of affordable units preserved or created within one-half mile of transit Enable the preservation and/or development of 3,000 affordable west side units within one-half mile of transit by Increase in mode shareidentify opportunities for 5,000 new households to reduce vehicle miles traveled and increase transit/bike/ped trips Reduction in Housing + Transportation costsEnable west Denver residents to decrease their H+T costs as percentage of median household income by 2 % points by 2013 Linear feet of programmed bike/ped complete street improvements Funding for 2 miles of west side bike/ped infrastructure projects on capital improvement program lists by 2013 Street miles improved to accommodate and/or prioritize bicycles Designs in place for 2.5 miles of street to be equipped with new bicycle facilities # households benefiting from access to new bicycle facilities 1,000 households will be able to access new bicycle facilities within 1/2 mile by 2013
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program schedule
Deirdre Oss (CPD): Caryn Wenzara (CPD):