Confidential1 1 Introduction to inetwork and the ANGEN NG9-1-1 dashboard Training Module 1 Gulf Coast NENA October 15, 16
Confidential2 22 Let me introduce inetwork Division of headquartered in Raleigh, NC NG9-1-1 team headquartered in Denver, CO − Architecture and Network design − Software Development − Customer Experience for NG9-1-1 − Technical Support Other critical teams located in Raleigh − Network Operations Center − Backup Customer Experience and Technical Support
Confidential3 33 Operations Team Mary Tuten SVP Operations Denver, CO Fondra Marshall PSAP Liaison Denver, CO Gary Fowler Director, NOC Raleigh, NC Lindsey Carr Customer Experience Lead and Trainer Denver, CO Murali Medikonda Director, Network Raleigh, NC
Confidential4 44 Product Management, Architecture, & Implementation Team Ray Paddock VP, Emergency Services Portfolio Denver, CO Jason Shugart Director, and Lead Architect Denver, CO Jay Slater Sr. Product Manger Denver, CO Duke Kaczmarczyk Architect Denver, CO Larry Reeder Manager, SW Development Denver, CO Jim Fleming In-State Project Manager Huntsville, AL
Confidential5 55 Our Partners Auburn University Montgomery − Overall project Manager − Planning and coordination of all ECD training − Primary Contact: John Ellison Alabama Supercomputer Authority − Provides the underlying network to all ECDs − NOC located in Huntsville, AL − 24x7x365 support for network problems − Primary Contact: Ray Jacoby Your CPE Vendor!
Confidential6 66 Phased Implementation PhaseCarriersCall DeliveryImpact on ECDs 1Wireless only Through current selective routersNone 2Wireless only Through both selective routers and the ASA ESINet Primary Focus 3AllThrough the ASA ESINetMSAGs & GIS Shape files! 4AllThrough the ASA ESINetNone
Confidential7 77 Training Plan Principles Focused on the audience - Roles based Timed to prepare users for upcoming phases Time-efficient Multiple vehicles − Classroom Gulf Coast(s) 6 Regional Sessions just prior to Phase 3 On-demand − Self-based (no instructor) − Online (with instructor) User Guide available in soft copy
Confidential8 88 ANGEN dashboard Roles PSAP Admin: View/edit PSAP information, manage alternate PSAPs for routing, user management to include create, edit and delete users, MSAG and ALI management, GIS management PSAP Viewer: View assigned PSAP information, view all MSAGs Report Viewer: View/pull reports within assigned PSAP(s) pANI Viewer: View wireless pANIs and their assigned PSAPs GIS Admin: Shape file management, boundary resolution MSAG Admin: View/edit MSAG, report/manage MSAG and ALI errors State Viewer: Access to view all PSAPs within the Dashboard and high level reports to include Call Detail Records for the PSAPs. Note: A person can have multiple roles.
Confidential9 99 ECD Training Timeline
Confidential10Confidential10 The ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Single interface for all your provisioning and reporting needs Easy to understand, intuitive Based on provisioning platform used by hundreds of inetwork customers Enhanced to meet the needs of the ECD users Accessible by browser Additional interface allows upload of files Strict Security – Username and password required All activities logged for auditing purposes
Confidential11Confidential11 The ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard 11
Confidential12Confidential12 Training modules Module 1: NG9-1-1 Dashboard, a platform by inetwork, a division of Bandwidth − Description: Introduction to inetwork, the inetwork team, and the ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard highlighting current and upcoming features. − Rough duration: 1 hour − Audience: Any person interested in learning more about inetwork and the dashboard and/or any ANGEN user. − Waves: 1, 2, 3 − Formats Classroom Self-paced
Confidential13Confidential13 Training modules Module 2: ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Administrative Training − Description: Complete Administrator training for the ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard that will give Administrators hands-on training for creating and managing users, managing reports, and will also provide a quick demonstration of what features will be coming in the next wave (Phase 3). − Rough duration: 2 hour − Audience: PSAP administrators (must register prior to session and attend Module 1) − Waves: 1, 2, 3 − Formats Classroom Self-paced Online
Confidential14Confidential14 Training modules Module 3: ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard User Training − Description: Complete user training for the ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard that will provide users with hands-on experience for managing their account, for viewing PSAP information, viewing reports, and will also provide a quick demonstration of what features will be coming in the next wave (Phase 3). − Rough duration: 1 hour − Audience: PSAP users (must register prior to session and attend Module 1) − Waves: 1, 2, 3 − Formats Classroom Self-paced Online
Confidential15Confidential15 Training modules Module 4: ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Training - MSAG and ALI − Description: Complete user training for managing the MSAG (creating, deleting and merging records), viewing other MSAGs, and managing MSAG and ALI errors. − Rough duration: 2 hours − Audience: MSAG Coordinators (Must pre-register and attend Modules 1 and 3) − Waves: 2, 3 − Formats Classroom Self-paced Online
Confidential16Confidential16 Training modules Module 5: ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Training - GIS − Description: Complete dashboard training for GIS managers, uploading shape files, boundary conflict resolution, and a closer look at geo-spatial routing − Rough duration: 1 hour − Audience: GIS Managers (Must pre-register and attend Modules 1 and 3) − Waves: 2, 3 − Formats Classroom Self-paced Online
Confidential17Confidential17 ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Navigation
Confidential18Confidential18 ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Navigation
Confidential19Confidential19 ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Navigation
Confidential20Confidential20 ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Navigation
Confidential21Confidential21 ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Navigation
Confidential22Confidential22 ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Navigation
Confidential23Confidential23 ANGEN NG9-1-1 Dashboard Conventions ECD Self-administrated − PSAP Admin creates all user accounts and assigns roles Consistent look and feel screen to screen All dates are UTC What you see is what you have access to. − Your role and your PSAP affiliation dictate this No shortcut keys – Mouse and keyboard only Some functions initially restricted to inetwork staff − i.e. Editing state default PSAP pool
Confidential24Confidential24 Questions