Assembly / Council Elections 2011 Alex Denver Regional Election Manager Royal Mail
Overview How we manage elections What you are entitled to Service Standards Presentation Standards Summary
How do we manage elections Dedicated Election Team at N.I.Mail Centre 13 drop –off points National Royal Mail helpline
Entitlement Assembly Election As a candidate you are entitled to a free postal communication This can be either :- One unaddressed item per household One addressed item per registered elector
Service Standards Assembly Election Candidates Literature Literature vetted / approved (Doxford) Presentation standards Designated handover points 2 clear working days notice Delivery Timescales Addressed 3 days Unaddressed 7 days Last Posting Dates Addressed – Wednesday 27 April Unaddressed – Tuesday 19 April
Presentation Assembly Elections At designated handover point Pre arranged date / time Boxes marked with delivery office / number of items Banded in bundles of 100s Boxes not over 11kgs Posting Docket (EL 1)
ConstituencyDrop-Off Point Belfast Nth.Sth,East,WestDonegall Quay, Belfast South Antrim & East AntrimNorthern Ireland Mail Centre,Newtownabbey North AntrimBallymena Delivery Office North DownBangor Delivery Office East LondonderryColeraine Delivery Office Upper BannCraigavon Delivery Office Fermanagh & South TyroneEnniskillen Delivery Office Lagan ValleyLisburn Delivery Office FoyleLondonderry Delivery Office Mid UlsterMagherafelt Delivery Office South Down & Newry/ArmaghNewry Delivery Office StrangfordNewtownards Delivery Office West TyroneOmagh Delivery Office
Summary (Assembly Election) Literature Design Returned by RM Within 2 days Print Literature Delivered (3 / 7 days) Arrange handover with RM (2 days) Submit to RM For Vetting/Approval
Entitlement Local Council Election As a candidate you are entitled to a free ADDRESSED ONLY communication One addressed item per registered elector
Service Standards (Local Council Election) Candidates Literature Must contain ‘Election Communication’ No vetting required (But can be refused if obscene,indecent or offensive) Designated handover points (without notice) Delivery Timescales Addressed 3 days Last Posting Dates Addressed – Wednesday 27 April
Presentation Local Council Election At designated handover point No pre-arranged date (1000 – 1400) Packing Docket (EL1) Numbers must not exceed total electorate
CouncilDrop-Off Point Belfast, CastlereaghDonegall Quay, Belfast Carrickfergus,Larne,N’abbeyNorthern Ireland Mail Centre,Newtownabbey Antrim, Ballymena,Ballymena Delivery Office North DownBangor Delivery Office Coleraine,Ballymoney,MoyleColeraine Delivery Office C’avon, D’gannon, BanbridgeCraigavon Delivery Office FermanaghEnniskillen Delivery Office LisburnLisburn Delivery Office Derry, Limavady, StrabaneLondonderry Delivery Office Cookstown, MagherafeltMagherafelt Delivery Office Armagh, Down, Newry & MourneNewry Delivery Office ArdsNewtownards Delivery Office OmaghOmagh Delivery Office
Summary (Council Election) Print Literature Delivered (3 days) Handover to Royal Mail
Contact Details Vetting Team Election Support Alex Denver