Recital Recordings at the University of Texas: How We Got to Streaming without Screaming MOUG Annual Meeting February 25, 2015 Denver Colorado
Background Butler School of Music –Approximately 700 students –Nearly 400 musical performances each year UT Libraries –Graduate recital recordings only (about 200 annually) –Recitals cataloged in Monographs Unit MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015
Recitals come to Music Cataloging Thesis cataloger retired Music Cataloging logical home Learn process and do the work MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015
CD & paper program workflow MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015 Rec. Studio Make CD/ Attach program FAL Gather all semester CDs Music Cat. (Main Lib.) Create MARC records FAL CDs to remote storage/ Programs to filing cabinets
From paper to digitized programs MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015 Staff attrition at FAL Filing programs time-consuming Scan programs, create PDF files for digital repository
CD and e-program workflow MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015 Rec. Studio Make CD/ Attach program FAL Gather CDs/ Scan programs/ Make CD-ROM Main Lib. CD-ROM to Digitization; Music Cat. Upload pgm file/ Create DC record/ Create MARC record/ Link to Repository FAL CDs to remote storage
Going streaming MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015 Streaming audio files in repository Save time and space More online content
UT Box MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2017
UT Box MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2017
Streaming audio & e-program workflow MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015 Rec. Studio Create WAV files/ Scan program/ Upload to UT Box Main Lib. Check UT Box/ Transfer files/ Upload files/ Create DC record/ Create MARC record with link to repository
Wish list MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015 Easier way to transfer files Faster uploading times to repository
Benefits MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2015 Less time from recital to cataloging Learned new skills Greater collaboration
Thank you Alan Ringwood MOUG Annual MeetingFebruary 25, 2017