1 FIMS Conference, 2008 Ed Weideman
2 Location of NREL Sites in the Denver Metro Area
3 NREL Owned vs. Leased – Occupants (9/30/07) NREL Owned vs. Leased –GSF (9/30/07) Owned % Owned 460,326 63% Leased 274,608 37%
4 NREL Sites (as of 09/30/07) AcresTotal GSFOwnershipOccupants (as of 9/30/07) Distance from STM site South Table Mountain*327404,242Owned National Wind Technology Center 30556,084Owned9120 miles Denver West Office ParkN/A207,247Leased miles Joyce Street FacilityN/A56,000Leased08 miles ReFuel FacilityN/A4,576Leased615 miles Washington, D.C.N/A6,785Leased10--- Total632734, * Approximately 136 acres of site can be developed; the balance is in easements.
5 South Table Mountain Site (looking from the east)
6 South Table Mountain Site (looking from the west)
7 NREL Laboratory Utilization (as of 09/30/07) Total Labs Available= 297
8 NREL Workstation Utilization (as of 09/30/07)
9 Denver West Office Park Bldg 15, 16,17 NREL STM Site Denver West Office Park Bldg 15, 16,17 NREL STM Site Denver West Office Park Bldg 15, 16,17 NREL STM Site Denver West Lease Facilities and South Table Mountain Site
10 National Wind Technology Center
11 Solar Research Facility (SERF) and Science and Technology Facility (S&TF)
12 Science & Technology Facility Funding TEC$22,690,000 TPC$29,190,000 by CD-2/3 authorization Year 1$800,000 Year 2$769,958 Year 3$3,924,707 Year 4$6,626,568 Year 5$10,409,850 $22,531,083 Note: -$158,917 unfunded
13 Science & Technology Facility Milestone datesScheduled Actual 1 CD-1 6/14/2002 6/10/ Preliminary Design 12/28/ /27/ Final Design 7/30/2003 9/30/ Substantial Completion 12/1/2006 6/21/ Construction Complete 12/1/ /16/2006 Parameters Sq. Ft. Office & Office Support10,425 Lab22,933 Lab Support11,442 Building Support26,547 71,347 No. Staff 55 (72 as configured) LEED Funded = Silver; Designed = Gold, Constructed = Platinum Pwr Consumption 42% less energy than ASHARE std office bldg~$96,000/yr savings Summary:Under budget, ahead of schedule, Platinum LEED
14 South Table Mountain Campus
15 STM Build-out Site Plan with Utilities
16 FY07 Construction Line Item Research Support Facility –$73 MillionFY06-$10,000,000 / FY07-$63,000,000 –220,000 SF –800 Occupants (NREL/GO) –LEED Platinum –25,000 BTU/Sq Ft/Year –Move out of Leased Buildings –Design-Build Project –Stipends for Two Unsuccessful Bidders –Incentives for Safety, Design, Workmanship, Timelines of Completion, Responsiveness, Cooperation, Partnering, Social Economic Commitment. –Construction Start October 2008 –Construction Complete June 2010
17 FY07 Construction Line Item Integrated Bio-Refinery Facility –$20 Million TEC –$6 Essential Equipment –16,400 SF –30 Occupants –Design Build Project –Expand Feedstock Input Capability to Existing Ethanol Plant –Construction Start November 2008 –Construction Complete November 2009
18 Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) Renewable Fuels Heating Plant (RFHP) –Ameresco –2,000SF Pad –$3,200,000 –24yr payback –Wood chips, One trailer per day (Heating season) –Construction Start September 2007 –Construction Complete August 2008 –1 st Performance Year Heating Season
19 RFHP May 1, 2008
20 FY08 Construction Line Item Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) Funding –TEC$93,000,000 –TPC$98,300,000 –Year 1$54,500,000 –Year 2$4,000,000 –Year 3$34,500,000 –Equipment$34,000,000 –Supercomputer$12,000, ,000 SF 150 Occupants Construction Start September 2009 Construction Complete September 2011
21 Challenge: Address integration issues unique to renewable and efficiency technologies. Critical at this stage of their development to accelerate large-scale deployment Function: Unique DOE capability for conducting integrated research, testing, and analysis to enable economic, reliable integration of renewable electricity generation, fuel production, storage, and building efficiency technologies with the U.S. fuels and electricity delivery infrastructures. 130,000 sq ft. multi-story space building with high-bay and low-bay laboratories User facility for collaborative research and testing High-speed computational science capability. Office and support space researchers and partners. Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF)
22 “Take me to your LEEDer”