EdS to PsyD In Less than 60 Seconds (well, almost) Franci Crepeau-Hobson, PhD University of Colorado Denver
Rationale Declining enrollment (and pressure from administration) Number of applications deceased by % over the last several years The number of students actually enrolling decreased by 15-20% as well despite admitting the same number Confusion with the EdS degree HR departments not recognizing the EdS as a graduate degree: impact on salary Confusion by general public
Data-Based Decision- Making What is realistic? Getting support from every level of administration required data Duplication & Competition Student Demand Enrollment Projections Graduation Estimates Annual Pool of Potential Applicants Workforce Demand Data from NASP U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor and Statistics
Program Development Our Mission and Focus Accreditation Standards and Requirements NASP & APA Licensure Requirements Department of Education and State Board of Psychologist Examiners Programs at Other Institutions Collaboration with Psychology Dept. Shared courses, helpful guidance and support
Program Approval School/college level approval Campus Level Approval Chancellor’s Office Budget and finance committee University Approval Board of Regents Approval State Approval
Final Product Four-years and 94 credit hours Coursework, practica, externship, internship, and a capstone project related to the applied practice of school psychology Will seek accreditation by the National Association of School Psychologists and the American Psychological Association Estimate16 new students each year Admissions process for fall underway Phasing out of the EdS