John Hunyadi, PE & Ryan Schoolmeesters, PE Dam Safety Engineers Denver Regional Dam Safety Emergency Preparedness Workshop Tabletop Exercise
Exercise Goals All here to learn emergency response concerns related to dams. Goal is to keep high level discussion of emergency response to dams. − not to focus on details of engineering, rainfall amounts, or specific flow rates at roadways/creeks/etc. Be thinking how could relate to your dam/area of responsibility
Exercise “Rules” Hear speakers out Announce name and organization Facilitator will keep things moving Unresolved items will be tracked and discussed as part of hotwash
Setting: Good lord, aren’t we tired of talking about flooding!?!
Maybe, but makes for good scenario!: Regional High Intensity Rain Event (ongoing) Swollen Creeks (ongoing) Road Closures (ongoing) Diversions/Canals Failing Dams Filling quickly
LOCATIONQuincy DamQuincy Dam, Large, High Hazard SITUATION Concrete Spillway Flowing near capacity Quincy Avenue under water Media Reports Dam is failing RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Arapahoe Adams Denver Weld EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #1
LOCATIONSmith DamSmith Dam, Small, High Hazard SITUATION Reservoir Filled quickly during storm Unusual Seepage On Downstream Slope Water appears muddy Spillway not activated RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Jefferson Denver EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #2
LOCATIONKelly RoadKelly Road, Small, Significant Hazard SITUATION WSEL = 5362’ Concrete Spillway activated Updated EAP calls for “considering evacuation”EAP RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Denver Weld EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #3
LOCATIONEnglewoodEnglewood, Large, High Hazard SITUATION Normally dry Reservoir Filling rapidly, outlet flows encroaching residents in downstream channel. RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Arapahoe Denver Weld EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #4
LOCATIONQuincy DamQuincy Dam, Status Update 1 SITUATION Concrete Spillway flows decreasing Quincy Avenue Remains Closed No unusual dam conditions observed RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Arapahoe Adams Denver Weld EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #5
LOCATIONSmith DamSmith Dam, Status Update 1 SITUATION Muddy water at toe increasing 2-ft diameter sinkhole observed RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Jefferson Denver EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #6
LOCATIONKelly RoadKelly Road, Status Update 1 SITUATION WSEL = 5363, 2 hrs later Concrete Spillway Flows increasing Water beginning to flow out of overflow section on west side of dam Inflows forecast to decrease RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Denver Weld EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #7
LOCATIONEnglewoodEnglewood, Status Update 1 SITUATION Outlet flows decreasing due to plugged intakeplugged intake Reservoir rising very quickly (~5 ft/hour) Earthen Spillway Flows initiate a deep headcut (active erosion) towards reservoir. RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Arapahoe Denver Weld EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #8
LOCATIONSmith DamSmith Dam, Status Update 2 SITUATION Jefferson County Transportation Department able to backfill sinkhole with sand, pea gravel and riprap. Muddy water decreases RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Jefferson Denver EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #9
LOCATIONEnglewoodEnglewood, Status Update 2 SITUATION Reservoir breaching completely through spillway channel, uncontrolled release. RESP. PARTIES INUNDATION Arapahoe Denver Weld EM. LEVEL COMMUNICATION ACTIONS IMPROVEMENTS INJECT #10