Shane’s Story
Chapin Hall’s Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Function of Former Foster Youth Study LACK OF PERMANENCY HAS SEVERE CONSEQUENCES FORMER FOSTER YOUTH GENERAL POPULATI ON Currently Employed48%76% Median Earnings$8,000$18,300 Have a bank account< 50%85% Have Health Insurance57%78% Been Pregnant (female)>75%40% Impregnated a partner (male)61%28% High School Diploma or GED 3x more likely Have been homeless or couch-surfed37%1%
Chapin Hall’s Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Function of Former Foster Youth Study Post traumatic stress rate double war veterans Serious untreated health conditions Higher rate of becoming victims of crime, or engaging in criminal activity Over 270,000 American prisoners were once in foster care 12-22% of youth who ‘age out’ of care are homeless from day one DOES THIS INFORMATION MIRROR WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN?
COLORADO JANUARY 2013 4,363 kids in out of home care 694 youth with OPPLA goal Of the 694 youth 294 are in Congegrate Care Children in out of home placements (does not include adoption, relative guardianship, runaways, independent living, or DYC (placements) with OPPLA as permanency goal: by Age AGE CATEGORY < Total STATE TOTAL
Colorado National Youth in Transition Data- Base (NYTD) Survey: Have high ‐ risk experiences: 57% were incarcerated at some point 47% had a substance abuse referral 14% became homeless at some point 6% have at least one child Financial self ‐ sufficiency: 24% are employed or are in employment training Source: Colorado NYTD FFY 2011 Cohort 1 Data Snapshot (487 youth, 99% participation rate)
Colorado January 2013 Children in Out of Home Care for Greater than 12 Months CountyCounty Total Adams190 Arapahoe170 Boulder39 Denver406 El Paso264 Jefferson200 Larimer68 Weld143 Totals2004
Working Definition of Permanency PARENTING LIFE-LONG INTENT BELONGING STATUS (legal and social) UNCONDITIONAL COMMITMENT (By an adult)
Expected Outcomes GOLDEN STANDARD Achieving LEGAL Permanency! Reunification Adoption Legal Guardianship Achieving LEGAL Permanency! Reunification Adoption Legal Guardianship
What Permanency is NOT: O A place or placement O When a youth is discharged “they can come back for a holiday” O Agreeing that a youth can stop in to see you after discharge without a committed, defined plan O Keeping in touch only when the youth initiates the contact
PERMANENCY Who’s your Person? Do you think having Permanency eliminates the need for Life Skills? Doesn’t everyone really need BOTH? VS. LIFE SKILLS
Philosophy of Permanence All children deserve a permanent family All children can have a permanent family Grief and loss work must be done to form stable connections Youth need to be prepared for permanency Youth have a right to lifelong, unconditional supports It is NEVER too late for permanency
* To Develop a permanent plan for each child/youth that can realistically be implemented and expedite legal permanence. * To stimulate thinking and learning about pathways to permanency for these and other children. * To identify and address barriers to permanency through professional development, policy change, resource development, and the engagement of system partners.
URGENCY No excuses TEAMING Non- Blaming Assistance with Action Plan OUTCOME Accountability / Solutions Focused OPTIMISM Increase worker’s Hope and Energy
What is a permanency roundtable? A professional case consultation that is: Structured In-depth Non-blaming AND Relentless
Master Practitioners Permanency Consultants – internal and external Caseworkers Supervisors Scribe Others Roundtable Members
Welcome and overview Presentation of case Clarify and explore Brainstorm Create permanency action plan Debrief roundtable ROUNDTABLE PHASES
Transitioning to Roundtable Part II Creating a safe environment Adjust the action plan – “Making it real” Moving forward – “Where do we go from here?” Debrief – Thanks Post roundtable – “We’re on our way”
Georgia 24 month Outcome Report: 496 Youth 57% male, 92% African American Median Age 13 Median Length of Stay in foster care = 52 months 76% of Youth in Care for at least 2 years 49.8% Achieved Legal Permanency 22% Adoption, 10% Reunification, 19% Guardianship
Denver Initial Outcomes: 104 kids in initial roundtables in 2010 within 6 months 68% had improved permanency; 7% finalized legal permanence; 31% found connections and moved into the home pending a plan or court hearing to finalize legal permanence Boulder Outcomes To date 82 Kids: 60% closed have achieved legal permanency 19 kids still active Had the lowest % of kids in care prior to starting PRT’s
CONTACT Tiffany Sewell Permanency Roundtable Coordinator