NMFWA Members Meeting Thank You All!
Board of Directors President Todd Wills Immediate Past President David McNaughton President-Elect Coralie Cobb Vice President Elizabeth Neipert Treasurer Lauren Wilson Secretary Nicole Olmsted Directors At-Large Seth Berry and Laura Muhs Regional Directors East – James Swift and Greg Fleming Central – Richard Lance and Michele Richards West - John Haddix and Jason Gibbons Newsletter Editor Laura Busch
Board of Directors President Coralie Cobb Immediate Past President Todd Wills President-Elect Elizabeth Neipert Vice President Eric Britzke Treasurer Lauren Wilson Secretary Nicole Olmsted Directors At-Large Janet Johnson and Seth Berry Regional Directors East - Greg Fleming and Jim Swift Central - Michele Richards and Rick Lance West - John Haddix and Jason Gibbons Newsletter Editor Laura Busch
Committees and Chairs Archives - Tom Warren Audit - (Vacant) Awards - (Vacant) Government Affairs - Junior Kerns Membership - Dan Savercool/Todd Wills Nominations - David McNaughton WMI Coordination - David McNaughton Certification – Dan Savercool Program Chair – Elizabeth Neipert
Working Group Chairs BASH – Michael Wright and Rich Fischer Law Enforcement – Michael Simon Bats – Trish Cutler and Eric Britzke Invasive Species – Steve Manning and Meegan Wallace Fish and Wildlife Recreation – Ray Rainbolt and Shawn Stratton Herpetology – Valerie Arkell and Jay Rubinoff Climate Change – WG Disbanded Pollinators – David McNaughton and Albert Owen Working Group Coordination – Elizabeth Neipert
Board Motions Motion 1: NMFWA Lapel pin Reimbursement– PASSED 11-0 Motion 2: Motion to Support the TWS MLWG - PASSED Motion 3: Motion to Approve the 2015 Program Budget up to $30,000- PASSED 10-0 Motion 4: Motion to Approve the NMFWA Award Committee Nominations– PASSED 9-0 Motion 5: NMFWA Hall of Fame Award Candidates – PASSED 10-0 Motion 6: Motion to Approve the BOD Nominations – PASSED 10-0 Motion 7: Motion to Increase the Approved 2014 Program Budget $10,000 – PASSED 9-0 Motion 8: Motion to Purchase a Travel Case for the Display for up to $500 – PASSED 9-0
EVENT EXPENSES Registration Cost: $410 NMFWA Receives $205 Estimated NMFWA Cost for Meeting: $ 35K – Awards banquet and awards – Welcome Mixer and Show & Tell – Program and poster printing, vehicle rentals, t-shirts – Assorted event costs to include year expenses WMI receives $205 – Contract with Delaney Meeting & Event Mgt. – Room rental – Assorted costs
Committee Reports
Certification Chair – Dan Savercool Committee: Five members One new certification presented: Ms. Anne Ulrey (U.S. Army Garrison Fort A.P. Hill, VA) Status update on the functionality needed to the online application Provide improved information to membership to make the process simpler
Hall of Fame New Committee formed by BOD Motion on 14 May 2014 Chair: Junior Kerns First four inductions will be presented at Awards Banquet
Outreach Hosted several webinars throughout via Todd Wills’ support and DCO Dave McNaughton worked with webmaster to make updates to the website throughout the year Staffed and progressed the Facebook Page (LIKE us!) Will require new webmaster soon
Governmental Affairs Chair – Junior Kerns Interactions with multiple federal committees on any Sikes Act Amendment or Reauthorization Discussions and concerns on the proposed inclusion of cultural resources under the Sikes Act Identifying path forward to address natural resources training and its relationship to traditional DoD contracting rules
Archives & Electronic Archives Archives Chair: Tom Warren Maintains the history.doc file, cataloging the history of NMFWA through words Continued project to scan past programs. Still missing years prior to 91 and – see Rich Fischer Electronic documents in the electronic archives are available via request
Membership Todd Wills began the process of recreating the membership list from scratch List with members was extremely outdated with info dating back to mid-90s Requested members contact Todd to provide updated information; 460 replies to date No contact information for 111 INRMP installations NEED INPUT!
WMI Coordination David McNaughton was named to the planning committee for the North American Push for more DoD related presentations within the WMI Special Session
Army pioneer for implementation of iSportsman system for hunting and fishing management Influenced Kansas Legislature to pass bill directing local government to collaborate with DoD prior to making potentially negative decisions Implemented innovated approach to upland game bird habitat at no cost through small dollar timber sales Acquired 84K in funding from NGOs to support hunting program Successful land management has led to the removal of two state-rare plant species Hunting program has been acclaimed by a number of national NGOs Fort Riley Natural Resources Program Model Programs/Projects
Jack Markham 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner During 25+ years as a Forester/Natural Resources Manager with the Army and currently NAVFAC MIDLANT he has continually promoted use of DoD lands for both military training and natural resources. Pivotal in setting up a natural resources program at NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Developed the first BASH plan for NAS Rota, Spain Awarded the Department of the Army Commanders Award for Civilian Service, Secretary of Defense and Army Chief of Staff Conservation Award for Fort Monroe, VA. Received Navy citation for Natural Resources Conservation work in Haiti Among his peers he is considered an educator, leader, problem solver, and the man to call when things needed to get done
Working Group Reports
Bird/Animal Airstrike Hazard Chairman - Michael Wright/Co-Chairman - Rich Fischer Held a Meeting at 2014 Denver meeting Provided management advice and technical support Numerous Working Group Communications Nominated 1 candidate for upcoming vacant co-chairman position and working group was allowed to put forth additional nominations, held an electronic vote (results at annual meeting) Organized and coordinated BASH Technical Session for upcoming NMFWA Annual Training Workshop in Omaha Organizing/coordinating DCO/webinar BASH Related Training/Presentations for 2015/2016
Law Enforcement Chair- Michael Simon Law enforcement information and cultural resource updates provided to CLEO's in all services discussions addressing numerous CLEO topics Participated in Army CRFCP monthly teleconference US Army Military Police School contracted the development of CLE training support package as required by DoDI Held working group meeting in Denver 23 Army employees recommended for 2015 Conference LE Chair not among those attending Mark Sledge appointed as moderator for 2015 meeting new chair will be elected
Bats Co-Chairs: Trish Cutler and Eric Britzke Held or distributed information on several online trainings and webinars Answered membership questions and provided expertise Sent out Anabat units for installation surveys
Invasive Species Chairs – Steve Manning and Meegan Wallace Held a meeting in Denver at 2014 Annual Meeting Proposing series of webinars for 2015
Fish and Wildlife Recreation Chairs – Ray Rainbolt and Shawn Stratton Held several spirited discussions Further discussions on iSportsman use as a strong management tool No report
Herpetology Chairs – Jay Rubinoff and Valerie Arkell Provided a newsletter to members on a monthly basis to include herp information and DoD related documents Worked with DoD PARC to identify ways they can partner
Climate Change The Climate Change Working Group was dissolved by the NMFWA BoD at the Denver meeting. Lack of participation and communication with the BoD was sited as the overarching reason
Attendance Certificate NMFWA Training Certificates will be available – If you would like to receive an electronic training certificate please stop at the NMFWA desk and let us know – It was decided by the BoD that all participants will receive 34 hours to cover the weeks training
Old Business Purchased new NMFWA display Representation at TWS meeting in Pittsburgh
FAWN FAWN Editor: Laura Busch Went quarterly in 2014 Need member input – Installation level articles on the great natural resources work occurring on military installations
The Future Website that meets membership needs Continue to recreate the NMFWA membership – Identify new members – See membership spreadsheet at NMFWA table NMFWA Participation by membership How to communicate the need for natural resources training to leadership, especially Army
In Memorial James ‘Doc’ Bailey NMFWA President Rick Griffiths NMFWA President