Electronic Resource Management: Inputs, Outputs, and Why They Matter Presenter: Ted Koppel Verde/SFX Product Marketing Manager Ex Libris.


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Presentation transcript:

Electronic Resource Management: Inputs, Outputs, and Why They Matter Presenter: Ted Koppel Verde/SFX Product Marketing Manager Ex Libris

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Input-Output Analysis “Input-output analysis is one of a set of related methods which show how the parts of a system are affected by a change in one part of that system.” “Input-output analysis specifically shows how industries are linked together through supplying inputs for the output of an economy.” Thayer Watkins, Prof. of Economics, San Jose State Univ.

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Relevance to ERM? ERM systems promise to: Track and manage the entire lifecycle of electronic resources Collect, store and manipulate various discrete data elements, collected and described in discrete attributes or management areas Provide measurable and actionable data as a by- product of ERM handling Allow repeated cycles (annual subscription renewal) based on previous activities

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 ERM is a (small) system But its capabilities and benefits can be described by examining the data that goes in and the management capabilities that are produced In general, the better the data input, the better the analysis output

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 ERM Inputs Vendor / licensor / aggregator As e-product seller As e-product support Services provided Incident and Breach data (current and historical) License data Permissions and prohibitions Perpetual use Population groups served

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 ERM inputs E-products themselves, and their place in the e- product structure: Package? Interface? E-journal or e-book? Financial data: Price? Cost? Invoice amount? ILS or Local Fund structure Current accounts and previous years? Concurrent users or unlimited use?

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 ERM inputs Access data SRW/SRU? Web? Z39.50? Documentation access info? Statistics/SUSHI access metadata? URL for Documentation/training IP address, passwords Miscellaneous data elements MARC records? Branding? OpenURL enabled? Etc.

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Best Practices for Data Input Plan! Migrate data? What data do you have? How internally consistent is it? How complete is it? Do data elements/fields map to your target application? Consistent identifiers with which to link? Hand-enter data? From what source? Enforcing consistency in data entry Completeness?

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Suggested reading

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Consortia are more complex Multiple institutions of different sizes and e- product purchase volume and use Varying historical internal workflows Legal and licensing attitudes at different campuses

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Christenson and Harvell (their slide 14): Consortium-wide standards Authorities for organization/vendor/e-product, e- interface names Conventions for data population, and local configuration decisions License interpretation into data elements Checklist for campus readiness Field labels Drop-downs Workflow steps

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Quality counts

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Outputs Vendor inputs  Vendor performance outputs Getting what you paid for Track and assign uptime, downtime, functional issues like printing and dowloading Statistics reported by vendor interface and package License inputs  License outputs What rights and privileges do your users have? Print? Download? Different permissions for different groups Consequences of a library’s decision to cancel subscription

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Outputs Financial inputs  Financial outputs Year-to-year cost changes Application of discounts E-product inputs  E-product outputs Lists of titles by package and interface Overlap reports by title, package, etc Consolidated holdings Print-to-e-product relationships

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Centralized collection of data Opportunities to do cross-compilation and multiple variable analysis of data elements Leading to more informed decision making

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Why talk about this? ERM is a relatively new area of library management and operation, yet is entrusted with millions of dollars and large areas of public service ERM causes libraries to rethink their processes and (hopefully) be more efficient ERM industry is itself changing SUSHI License Expressions Publisher distribution models Other new standards

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 It’s nearly time to measure: Pre-ERM e-resource management costs (direct and indirect), inefficiencies, decentralized data Against Post-ERM management costs (direct and indirect), efficiencies, centralization In the context of The added value of consolidated ERM information

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 And when we analyze ERMS The INPUTS (quality data, relevant data, complete data) Will have a significant effect on The OUTPUTS (Are ERM systems useful, efficient, and cost-effective)

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 My predictions Yes, but not yet Not enough library experience yet in ERM use The industry and its tools are still in the midst of change We (vendors) need to work with libraries and what and how to measure

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 But again, a word of caution …

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Last words Strategy Planning Completeness Consistency Accuracy

NISO ERM Conference, Denver September 2007 Thank you Ted Koppel Verde / SFX Product Marketing Manager Ex Libris x601