ICLEI’s International Campaign Cities for Climate Protection CCP TM Ten Years of Local Climate Action Laura Valente de Macedo, Regional Director ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Latin America and the Caribbean Secretariat, LACS
Established 1990, in New York (IULA and UNEP) 450 members, local governments worldwide Democratic Association of local governments to promote sustainable development Represents LGs in international Forii Institutional Framework –Council where each member has a vote –Executive Committee elected by members –World Secretariat in Toronto –Regional Secretariats and offices worldwide ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Background
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Offices Worldwide World Secretariat Toronto, Canada European Secretariat Freiburg, Germany African Secretariat Johannesburgh, South Africa Latin America & Caribbean Secretariat Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Japan Office Tokyo, Japan US Office Berkeley, California Project Office for China Beijing, China Office for Australia and New Zealand Melbourne, Austrália Intern. Training Center Freiburg, Germany South Korea Office Seoul, S. Korea
ICLEI’S International Campaign Cities for Climate Protection CCP TM The first government at any level to acknowledge climate change was a city: Toronto, in Canada. In 1989, Toronto established a reduction target and managed to reduce its emissions without compromising the quality of life for its inhabitants. In 1993 ICLEI established the CCP campaign, inspired by Toronto’s example. Background
ICLEI’S International Campaign Cities for Climate Protection CCP TM 8 The CCP ‘s mission is to build a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve measurable reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from urban activities, improving air quality and enhancing livability in cities, thus promoting urban sustainable development while protecting global climate. Mission
ICLEI’S Cities for Climate Protection CCP TM - Worldwide Network 170Australia 130Europe 240 North America 40Asia 8Africa 18 Latin America ParticipantsRegion Total: 608 in 2004
ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM The Role of Cities Cities are Part of the Problem Cities are Part of the Problem Energy consuming activities and GHG emittersEnergy consuming activities and GHG emitters GHG emissions from organic wasteGHG emissions from organic waste 60-90% of the urban emissions result from fossil fuel use in energy production and transport60-90% of the urban emissions result from fossil fuel use in energy production and transport Urban sprawl, land use change and deforestation reducing CO2 sinks.Urban sprawl, land use change and deforestation reducing CO2 sinks.
ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM The Role of Cities Cities are Part of the Solution Cities are Part of the Solution Action and direct involvement with day-to-day activities that affect inhabitantsAction and direct involvement with day-to-day activities that affect inhabitants Actual GHG emissions reductionActual GHG emissions reduction Opportunity for information exchange, public participation and involvement of key stakeholdersOpportunity for information exchange, public participation and involvement of key stakeholders Great potential for small and medium scale projects within the CDMGreat potential for small and medium scale projects within the CDM
ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM The Role of Cities LOCAL CLIMATE ACTION Energy Efficiency Projects Renewable Energies and fuel substitution (solar, biogas, ethanol, biofuels, etc) Improvement of public transport management Improvement of waste management (recycling programs, methane capture for energy) Waste water treatment Integrated land use policies Urban reforestation
The CCP Methodolgy ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM The CCP Methodolgy 1. Conduct baseline inventory and forecast of GHG emissions; 2. Set a reduction/avoidance goal; 3. Develop a Local Climate Action Plan 4. Implement LCAP (measures) 5. Monitor and Evaluate The 5 Milestones
Cities in Action - ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM Cities in Action - energy efficiency Calcuta, India – –Water pumping system retrofit Emissions Reductions per year ton CO2e Estimated savings of US$83,000 /yr (in 2 years) Heidelberg, Germany – –Energy management of public buildings Emissions reduction estimate 35% ( ) Energy costs reduced by EUR 3 million same period Potchefstroom, South Africa – –Lamps substitution in public lighting and local airport Electricity usage reduction of 337 megawatt-hour Avoided 300 tonCO2equivalent
Adhelaid, Australia – –Methane recovery from landfill Generation of 29 Gigawatt-hours/year of electricity Suppy for 5,000 households (substituting coal fuel) Chicago, EUA – –Domestic Garbage Collection System 148,000 tons of CO2 equivalent avoided Betim, MG, Brazil Betim, MG, Brazil –Recycling program started in 2003 Stakeholder participation Stakeholder participation Estimated reduction of 4,500 Tons of CO 2 e 1st year Estimated reduction of 4,500 Tons of CO 2 e 1st year Cities in Action – solid waste ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM Cities in Action – solid waste
Cities in Action – renewable energies ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM Cities in Action – renewable energies Mexico City, Mexico – –Solar heating for water in households 50,000 solar systems in 5 years Estimated avoided emissions: 25,000 ton CO2e Barcelona, Spain – –Legislation to promote renewable energy Solar panel surface increased tenfold since 2000 Estimated emissions avoidance of 3,000 TCO2e São Paulo, Brasil –20MW Power Plant –Electricity generation from Landfill (20MW Power Plant) Flux of m 3 /h of Landfill gas, Reduction of Tons of CO 2 e per year
Cities in Action - transportation ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM Cities in Action - transportation Buenos Aires, Argentina – –Cycle lanes Program 164 km dedicated cycle lanes Estimated Reduction of 40,000 TCO 2 e until 2010 Denver, EUA – –Public transport program (passes for city workers) Reduced 1,500 ton CO2 equivalent Savings of US$ 250,000 per year Puerto Princesa, Phillipines – –Substitution of police patrol vehicles for bicycles 44 ton CO2 e per year avoided
Conclusions ICLEI’S International Campaign CCP TM Conclusions LGs are an acknowledged stakeholder in the process Responsible for a significant share of global emissions (estimated 10-14%) Potential for CDM to help finance local GHG reduction measures Actions speak louder that words: while nations discuss treaties, local governments set the example for action Launching of CDM Guide for LG on 11/12/2004 Local Action moves the World