NPSS AdCom Membership Report 25-26 March 2011 Prepared for Uwe Bratzler by VGPrice The gains and losses in NPSS membership over a three year period is.


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Presentation transcript:

NPSS AdCom Membership Report March 2011 Prepared for Uwe Bratzler by VGPrice The gains and losses in NPSS membership over a three year period is illustrated, including our ’Saw-tooth’ chart showing the results. A summary of recruiting activities made during 2010 at five scheduled conferences held by NPSS is presented. This recruiting activity contributes to the membership gains listed. The recruiting gains made during 2008 and 2009 are also tabulated. Some current IEEE parameters are included.

The IEEE MD Report for NPSS memberships in January lists not only those members who have renewed but also the “Pre- Arrears” members who have not yet renewed. Those NPSS members who renewed their IEEE membership, but who decided to ‘Opt-out’ of membership in NPSS no longer appear in our report. These ‘Opt-outers’ tried our offerings but were not satisfied so they discontinued membership in NPSS. How many fall into this classification? This chart gives the answer: Date NPSS Date NPSS‘Opt-Outs’ 31 Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Some IEEE Members “Opt-out” of NPSS

In IEEE practice, membership renewals must be done in the fall of each year. If not completed before 31 December, a person then falls into ‘Pre-Arrears’ status. His/her membership rights then hold for two months until the end of February. If renewal is not completed by then, the membership rights are lost and the ‘in Arrears’ status occurs. Each year, membership on that date for about 100,000 IEEE members ends. The recruiting process replacing the lost members then begins anew. In the case of NPSS, February drop-offs were as follows: Date NPSS Date NPSS in Arrears 31 Jan Feb Jan Feb Jan Feb NPSS Members “in Arrears” After February Drop-offs

Total NPSS January/ February Losses for the years Summing the January ‘Opt-out’ losses in NPSS membership at the beginning of each year with the February ‘Drop-off’ losses gives the total NPSS losses. These losses in the years 2008 to 2010 are shown in this table: Year beginJan Opt-Outs Feb Drop-offs Total Losses These losses in NPSS membership are illustrated in our familiar ‘Saw-tooth’ chart shown in the next slide:

NPSS Measurement Gains The previous slides have illustrated the losses in membership experienced by NPSS during the January and February periods beginning in the years 2008 through Replacement of these losses is made by gains made by 1. Recruitment of new members at conferences sponsored by NPSS. 2. Random new applicants from around the globe who join because they become interested in the products and values of the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. 3. Solicitation by IEEE, where some 10% of ‘lost’ members rejoin IEEE, returning during the summer ‘build-up’ period, thus regaining their previous membership status. In the next few slides, the conference recruitment gains for are portrayed:

NPSS 2008 Conference Recruitment Gains Conference VenueRegularsStudentsAdd-OnsTotals PMCLas Vegas38745 SORMABerkeley ICOPSKarlsruhe NSRECTucson NSS-MICDresden Totals- 

NPSS 2009 Conference Recruitment Gains Conference VenueRegularsStudents Add-Ons Totals PAC Vancouver Real Time Beijing ICOPS San Diego SFE San Diego ANIMMA Marseille Pulsed PowerWashington NSREC Quebec NSS-MIC Orlando Totals 

NPSS 2010 Conference Recruitment Gains Conference VenueRegular Student Add-On Total Real Time Lisbon ICOPS Norfolk NSREC Denver RADECS Längenfeld NSS-MIC Knoxville Totals-- 

The period from Mar 1 to the end of December is one in which NPSS seeks new members by inviting people to join IEEE and NPSS at conferences. Other people also join NPSS during that period as well. In the three year segment from 2008 to the present, how many people joined IEEE/NPSS (both conference recruits and others)? The following chart gives this information: Date NPSS Date NPSS Gain 28 Feb Dec Feb Dec Feb Dec Some of the gains came from people who were recruited at NPSS conferences while others were people who joined on their own volition. The following chart summarizes the gains and losses over the period : Total Gains During Years

NPSS Gains/Losses Summary YEAR 1 January Population 1 March Population Losses Conferenc Gains Non-Conf Gains Dec 31 Population Totals  This chart provides a summary over three years, allowing a view of the results minimizing the effects of the number of conferences held each year. It is seen that about 55% of the new people came from recruiting at conferences while 45% were joiners-at-large. NPSS began the year 2011 with 330 fewer members than it had at the beginning of the previous year.

Observations About half of the new members of NPSS are derived from recruiting at conferences and, without further analysis, about half of the losses experienced each year are attributable to either source. Further checking after the February de-activation will permit a better view. The current IEEE membership is reported as ~419,000 members. About 15% of these are in the GOLD classification. e-Memberships are increasing in the eligible nations and now stand at about 25% of the available members. Very close to half of the IEEE members now live outside the United States