Oral Cavity Dissection
With a pair of scissors, cut deeply into both corners of the mouth. This may be hard because you are cutting through bone and tissue. Open the mouth. Be sure to follow the curvature of the throat and do not cut straight back into the neck tissue.
Examine the oral cavity containing the tongue and teeth. Notice the ridged roof of the mouth (hard palate). The soft palate is the fleshy portion of the roof of the mouth. Locate the tongue with its taste buds. Mammals have 2 types of teeth (incisors—in the front, cheek teeth—toward the back)
To find the next structures, you will have to cut through the jaw and apply GENTLE pressure to force the mouth open. Locate the pharynx (passage way for food to esophagus, and air to lungs). Locate the tear shaped epiglottis (flap structure at top of trachea). Locate the esophageal opening (entrance for food) Locate all other structures in your PPP