In Iowa, 23.1% of adults and 23.0% of high school students reported binge drinking in Both are higher than the national average Excessive drinking results in 775 deaths each year in Iowa Source Iowa Data
Midwest Regional Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Training Center Provider education on FASD Mentor trained speakers to identify opportunities within their health networks to do trainings. Offer FASD continuing education events to practitioners in the state of Iowa Developed a geomap of the state of Iowa outlying alcohol use, incidence of FASD and providers
Other Prevention Efforts Promoting use of Reproductive Life Plans Promote Family Planning Partnered with the March of Dimes and the Alcoholic Beverages Division to distribute – “Think before you drink” posters to Iowa alcohol retailers
Screening for Alcohol Use in Iowa SBIRT - core components include screening, brief intervention, brief treatment and referral to treatment Iowa has a joint partnership between local substance abuse agencies and Federally Qualified Health Centers in Polk, Woodbury, Blackhawk and Scott counties and at Camp Dodge, home to Iowa’s National Guard to include SBIRT Title V MCH agencies are using SBIRT and are trained in motivational interviewing.
Substance Abuse Treatment Resources Iowa Substance Abuse Information Center Toll Free
Screening and treatment children for FASD Iowa's 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative builds partnerships between physician practices and public service providers to enhance high quality well-child care. 1st Five promotes the use of developmental tools that support healthy mental development for young children during the first five years. By using a tool for all children that includes social-emotional development and family risk factors, providers are able to identify children at risk for developmental concerns that, if left untreated, would play out later in life. The link to our webpage can be found here:
Screening and treatment children for FASD Services provided in Des Moines at Blank Children’s Hospital include: developmental screening; the identification of developmental delays and referrals for appropriate treatment services; genetic testing when appropriate to confirm the diagnosis or rule-out other genetic syndromes; and the coordination of care with families (birth and adoptive), primary care providers, physical therapy, mental health treatment providers and schools. Early intervention and treatment can improve a child’s development and assist the child in reaching their full potential. For more information please contact Dr. Ken McCann, Medical Director of the Regional Child Protection Center at (515)
Screening and treatment children for FASD Services provided at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City Diagnosis - Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD) or Clinical Genetics Neuropsych testing -CDD, Psychiatry, Neurology Medication management - CDD, Psychiatry Biobehavioral Service - CDD and support to AEA Challenging Behavior Teams Iowa's Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. They help with family support, care coordination, system building and clinical care.
Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) UCEDD,LEND Program: Iowa's University Center for Excellence on Disabilities Center for Disabilities and Development 100 Hawkins Drive Iowa City, IA Main Phone: Main Fax: Main Website: Website 2:
Other Iowa resources for families or caretakers of kids with FASD Zero to Three - The Safe Babies Court Team is a community engagement and systems change initiative focused on improving how the courts, child welfare agencies, and related child-serving organizations work together, share information, and expedite services for young children in the child welfare system. The Safe Babies Court Teams help very young victims of maltreatment by: Protecting babies from further harm and addressing the damage already done; and Exposing the structural issues in the child welfare system that prevent families from succeeding.
Lucas State Office Building 321 E. 12 th Street, Des Moines IA (515) Stephanie Trusty Iowa Department of Public Health