Laser Physics EAL 501 Lecture 6 Power & Frequency
We said that there are two types of cavities 1- Ring cavities
Standing wave cavities 1- Longitudenal modes due to standing waves Do ring lasers have longitudenal modes?
2-Transversal modes [Gaussian beams] The electric field distribution in the x-y plane Satisfy the wave eq. The Fresnel-Kirchoff’s theory states that “if we know the field distribution at a plan 1 (x 1,y 1,z 1 ) then the distribution at any plane (x,y,z) is given by We can write Where The solution is
Higher order modes are given by
Gaussian Beams The solution of wave equation can be plane waves But it is not real q(z) is the complex beam parameter of the beam
Amplitude factor Transverse phase factor Longitudenal phase factor Rayleigh range Beam waist Radius of curvature
Gain Saturation We drive the rate equations
The steady state solution of the rate equation in the case I=0 gives us the threshold condition The steady state solution of the rate equation in the case after the threshold can be shown to be
Steady state under threshold solution is In case of 3 level laser In case of 4 level laser
Solution above threshold in the case of two levels without pumping
Solution above threshold in the case of 3levels with pumping Since g(ν)=σ(v)(N 2 -N 1 ) then we can write Problem : find small signal gain and saturation intensity for 4 level laser
Hole burning 1.Spatial hole burning 2.Spectral hole burning 1- Spatial hole burning in the case of standing wave cavity there are points of zero intensity and points of max. intensity which depletes the gain much more rapidly 2- Spectral hole burning in the case of inhomogeneous broadening the atoms that feed the laser modes will be depleted much more rapidly
Output power Usually only one mirror produces output and if the mirror reflection is high Where s is the scattering losses The condition of steady state lasing
It is easy to find the value of transmission t to get the maximum output So the optimum output intensity is