M. Ferianis feb UCLA Overview of FERMI Diagnostics
M. Ferianis feb UCLA ELETTRA
M. Ferianis feb UCLA FERMI footprint
M. Ferianis feb UCLA FERMI main parameters
M. Ferianis feb UCLA FERMI layout (...work in progress) Laser heater X-band linearizer spreader Energy/ H, V collimators dump
M. Ferianis feb UCLA accurate photo-injector characterisation: emittance, charge profile, energy spread seeded FEL scheme: whole bunch / fresh bunch (bunch core) calls for slice measurements: longitudinal charge profile, emittance, energy spread transverse and longitudinal overlap between e - beam and laser high resolution BPM and bunch arrival monitors shot-to-shot feedbacks stability of output FEL radiation mm to sub-mm bunch length; currently two options: medium bunch: L B = 0.21mm (700fs)short FEL pulse long bunch: L B = 0.57mm (1.9ps)long FEL pulse Guidelines of diagnostics for FERMI
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Some relevant beam parameters for diagnostics *calculated assuming a normalized emittance of 1.2 mm mrad Medium Bunch Energy [MeV] Charge [nC] Bunch Length [ps / mm, FWHM] Transverse Size* 3x x, v [mm] Entrance BC / Exit BC / Entrance BC / Exit BC / Long Bunch Entrance BC / Exit BC / Entrance BC / Exit BC /
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Injector diagnostic beamline BC1 diags 1 st RF 220MeV (down-stream BC1) BC2 diags 2 nd RF 1.2 GeV pre-FEL diagnostic station (downstream the spreader) post-modulator diagnostic station intra-radiator diagnostics (multipurpose pop-ins) post radiator diagnostic station (FEL diags) Guidelines of diagnostics for FERMI
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Currently addressed issues on Diagnostics review of FERMI parameters for diags. the ELETTRA: dynamically growing... overview of main FERMI diagnostics and associated measurements integration of diagnostics into the machine, i.e. defining: dedicated machine optics vacuum chamber x-sections alignment strategy RF power needs for diags optical clock (laser pulse) Conceptual Design Report write-up
M. Ferianis feb UCLA GunS0A/B Laser Heater X LINAC1 BC1 BC2 LINAC2 LINAC3LINAC4 SPRD FEL1 FEL2 Gun / injector Diagnostics Gun: Energy/energy spread Charge Spot size Position Bunch length Thermal emittance
M. Ferianis feb UCLA GunS0A/B Laser Heater X LINAC1 BC1 BC2 LINAC2 LINAC3LINAC4 SPRD FEL1 FEL2 Laser heater based diagnostics 775 nm seed laser derived from 1550 nm timing signal 120 kW, 10 ps Cross-polarized 5-period undulators Matching quads into heater Matching quads into linac YAG scree n, BPM Laser Heater : Electron beam timing relative to optical pulse Electron beam current profile Slice emittance W.Graves, MIT S.Spampinati, ELETTRA
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Energy, Energy jitter, Vertical slice emittance: BMP –collimator -screen Bunch length monitor: CSR output power detection to feedback loop Micro-bunching: CSR output for detection by THz spectrometer. Bunch arrival time measurements: fs Streak camera (ref pulse) wide band ring electrode with EO acquisition Bunch length, compressor tuning: BC1:1 st RF Deflector, streak camera for OSR BC2:2 nd RF deflector, EO sampling GunS0A/B Laser Heater X LINAC1 BC1 BC2 LINAC2 LINAC3LINAC4 SPRD FEL1 FEL2 BC1 & BC2 Diagnostics
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Diagnostics station at the end of linac : Vertical and Horizonthal RF deflecting cavity: Slice emittance CSR effect on horizonthal emittance Slice Energy Spread EOS bunch arrival time monitor: Bunch arrival time Arrival time jitter Bunch length Features: single shot (SLAC spatial convertion scheme, 100fsec resolution, MLO or SEED laser pulses as a probe) Overview of Elattra Diagnostics GunS0A/B Laser Heater X LINAC1 BC1 BC2 LINAC2 LINAC3LINAC4 SPRD FEL1 FEL2 DIAGS
M. Ferianis feb UCLA FEL 1&2 : Entrance of modulators: X,Y position and divergence: high precision cavity BPM Intra - radiators: e-beam and FEL radiation position and spot size: pop-in station with YAG screens e-beam X,Y position: cavity or button BPM microbunching and power growth: OTR/CTR monitorinig during operation CDR Exit of last radiator FEL radiation: (under development by user group): Single shot Spectral distribution monitor FEL radiation arrival time by respect to user laser determined by cross correlation techniques (De Silvestri) and advanced streak cameras. Overview of Elattra Diagnostics GunS0A/B Laser Heater X LINAC1 BC1 BC2 LINAC2 LINAC3LINAC4 SPRD FEL1 FEL2 DIAGS
M. Ferianis feb UCLA E B = 240 MeV; n =1.5 mm mrad; a=20 mm v g /c= ( L=1m =100ns) a=12.5 mm; v g /c=0.0123( L=1m =270ns) f RF =2.998 GHz; D =45 m; S =45 m; =90 deg; Traveling wave deflector performances for low energy case Long bunch: 1.5 mm Short bunch: 0.4 mm L def =2m
M. Ferianis feb UCLA E B = 1.2 GeV; n =1.5 mm mrad; a=20 mm, =1 F =0.85 s a=12.5 mm, =1 F =1.0 s f RF =2.998 GHz; D =45 m; S =45 m; =90 deg; Standing wave deflector: performances for high energy case
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Cavity BPM in collaboration with M Poggi, INFN PD Beam pipe radius: to be defined according to Vacuum & Z beam current value R=6mm; ID gap (vacuum side) calls for R=3.5mm Extraction waveguide radial position: to be checked with simulation Optimum position for the RF connecotr on the waveguide Signal amplitude dependance on Q bunch (analytical eval.) Achievable mechanical accuracy on prototype: 10 m Setting up the RF test bench (Network BPM rigidly fixed to support coaxial moving wire, over ±1mm, acuracy and reproducibility <2 m prototype issues: no UHV, flanged + RF sliding contacts, equipped with SMA connectors (DC to 18 GHz)
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Principle: Isolated impedance-matched Ring Electrode installed in a „thick Flange“ Broadband, Position independent Signal One installed after the Gun, each magnetic Chicane (both BCs, the Collimator + before Undulator) BC´s: Energy Fluctuations -> Phase Fluctuations TOF Measurement: Resolution ≈ 0.2° or 0.4 ps Fast timing signals with sub ps resolution Very simple design of pickup Two output signal provided (left & right) ~550 mV/ps Phase Monitor Phase monitor (collaboration with Desy) Courtesy: H. Schlarb, F.Löhl
M. Ferianis feb UCLA EO acquisition of the wide band ring electorde signal ~ 1.3 GHz DAC DOOCS Master Laser Oscillator piezo- fiber- stretcher piezo- controller ~ ~ ~ 1.3 GHz10 GHz 200 MHz ~ ~ ~ 81 MHzlimiter ADC 100 MHz 12 / 14 Bit clock trigger DOOCS phase monitor EOM 200 MHz bias- voltage 10 kHz VM Courtesy: H. Schlarb, F.Löhl ~550 mV/ps 12 dB MLO RF master BPhM Mach-Zehnder interferometer Later: limiter
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Impact from vacuum chamber sections TypeDimensions LinaccircularD=30 mm CompressorsrectangularW=60mm, H=30mm UndulatorellipticalH=7mm W= tbd (vacuum)
M. Ferianis feb UCLA Timing and Synchronization