Branchial Tumor in a Blue Striped Grunt (Haemulon sciurus) Jason Kimbro, DVM Clinical Instructor, Pathology Disney’s Animal Programs/UF College of Veterinary Medicine Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Signalment: Adult female Blue striped grunt Adult female Blue striped grunt Hx: Large mass at opening of the left operculum Large mass at opening of the left operculum Aspirate revealed neoplastic cells Aspirate revealed neoplastic cells Biopsy revealed an invasive thyroid tumor Biopsy revealed an invasive thyroid tumor D08-62 Blue Striped Grunt Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
D08-62 Blue Striped Grunt NX: Large mass, caudal left branchial cavity Large mass, caudal left branchial cavity Mass adherent to body wall and branchial archesMass adherent to body wall and branchial arches Nephroliths in the caudal kidney Nephroliths in the caudal kidney Histo: 1.Follicular carcinoma, thyroid gland 2.Nephrocalcinosis, chronic, multifocal severe, with tubular necrosis and granulomatous inflammation, caudal kidney. Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Discussion Neoplasia is rare in fish Thyroid tumors – one of most common Thyroid tumors – one of most common Locally invasiveLocally invasive Metastasis is rareMetastasis is rare Originate at ventral branchial archOriginate at ventral branchial arch Nephrocalcinosis Systemic acidosis Systemic acidosis Tubular Ca ++ salt precipitation Tubular Ca ++ salt precipitation Tubuloepithelial degeneration/necrosis Tubuloepithelial degeneration/necrosis Secondary granulomatous inflammation Secondary granulomatous inflammation Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
References 1.Harada, T, Itoh H, Hatanaka, J, Kamiya, S, and Enomoto, M (1996). A morphological study of a thyroid carcinoma in a medaka, Oryzias latipes (Temminck & Schlegel), Journal of Fish Diseases 19(2): Roberts RJ (2004). Fish Pathology. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 3.Smart, GR, Knox, D, Harrison, JG, Ralph, JA, Richards, RH, and Cowey, CB (1979). Nephrocalcinosis in rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson; the effect of exposure to elevated CO2 concentrations, Journal of Fish Diseases 2(4): Stoskopf MK (1993). Fish Medicine. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
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