A Roofer’s Guide to Sustainability YIRTG is pleased to acknowledge that the Roofers Guide to Sustainability Modular Programme was developed as a result of funding provided by CITB ConstructionSkills as part of their long term commitment to training and quality standards in the specialist roofing sector. This support is gratefully appreciated Green Deal
The Plan Sign attendance Register Aims Presentation Activity– Mainly Multiple Choice Review
Course Aims To provide an overview of the Green Deal To identify stakeholders in the Green Deal Process To understand the Golden Rule To appreciate relevant Measures under the Green Deal
Activity What do we know about Green deal?
Background The Energy Act 2011 includes provisions for the new 'Green Deal', which intends to reduce carbon emissions cost effectively by revolutionising the energy efficiency of British properties.
Stakeholders Green Deal Provider Green Deal Installer Green Deal Advisor Assessor Various Measures Green Deal Oversight Body GDOB Green Deal Oversight Body GDOB Green Deal Finance Company GDFO Green Deal Finance Company GDFO
8 The Green Deal: Advice Repayments and Follow Up Installation Finance Assessment Advice Advice Consumer protection will be vital to underpin the success of the Green Deal and will be built into every stage of the customer journey. an impartial advice line and website; safeguards on the selling of the Green Deal ;
9 The Green Deal assessment is the gateway to the Green Deal, no one will be able to enter into a Green Deal plan without a qualifying assessment of the building and recommendations for measures that could improve the energy efficiency of their home. The Green Deal: Assessment Repayments and Follow Up Installation Finance Assessment Advice
10 A new finance mechanism enabling payment to be attached to the energy meter at a property Household/ business receives a package of energy efficiency measures paying back over time through savings on energy bills. Obligation passes to whoever pays the bill at the property, so transfers automatically to any new occupier Not a loan, and not secured against the property The Green Deal: Finance Advice Assessment Finance Installation Repayments and Follow Up
Once a property has had an assessment and the finance for measures has been approved, installation is the next step. Only an authorised Green Deal Installer can install energy efficiency improvements under the Green Deal finance mechanism. Only authorised installers will be able to identify themselves as ‘Green Deal Installers’ and use the Green Deal Mark The Green Deal: Installation Advice Assessment Finance Installation Repayments and Follow Up
Payments are collected through energy bills. The Green Deal charge is shown as a separate line on the bill There will be continuing support from the GD Provider for the lifetime of the Green Deal finance arrangement Customer is free to switch energy supplier – no change to current procedures The Green Deal: Repayments & follow-up Advice Assessment Finance Installation Repayments and Follow Up
Payments are collected through energy bills. The Green Deal charge is shown as a separate line on the bill There will be continuing support from the GD Provider for the lifetime of the Green Deal finance arrangement Customer is free to switch energy supplier – no change to current procedures The Green Deal: Repayments & follow-up Advice Assessment Finance Installation Repayments and Follow Up
The Golden Rule!
PAYS - Pay As You Save Energy Bill Saving Repayment Position before Green Deal After
ECO This will come from the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Work alongside the Green Deal finance offer by targeting appropriate measures at those households likely to need additional support – in particular those containing vulnerable people on low incomes and in hard-to-treat housing.
Green Deal Measures The Green Deal Installer programme works on a competent person basis. The following are the key areas that qualify for the Green Deal: Building Fabric Heating Ventilation & Air-Conditioning Water Heating Lighting Renewables
Who can install a Green Deal measure? Only an authorised Green Deal Installer can install energy efficiency improvements under the Green Deal finance mechanism. Only authorised installers will be able to identify themselves as ‘Green Deal Installers’ and use the Green Deal Quality Mark.
How do I become an authorised Green Deal Installer? You must be certified by a Green Deal accredited certification body as meeting the standard PAS 2030 for the measures you wish to install. You must abide by the conditions in the Green Deal Code of Practice. Your certification body will register you for the Green Deal with the Oversight and Registration Body. Your certification body will license you to use the Green Deal Quality Mark.
PAS 2030 – 2012 Improve energy efficiency with PAS 2030 The specification is designed for installing, managing and providing energy efficiency measures (EEM) in existing buildings. It also recommends best practice for managing the installation process and providing services to the customer before, during and after.
Condensing boilers, natural gas-fired and liquefied petroleum gas-fired (domestic and non-domestic) Condensing boilers, oil-fired (domestic and non-domestic) Heating controls Under-floor heating Flue-gas recovery devices Gas-fired warm-air heating systems (domestic and non-domestic) Electric storage heaters (domestic and non-domestic) Cavity wall insulation Loft insulation Pitched roof insulation Flat roof insulation Internal wall insulation External wall insulation Hybrid wall insulation Draught proofing Floor insulation Heating system insulation (pipes and cylinders) Energy efficient glazing and doors Lighting fittings Lighting controls (non-domestic) Ground and air source heat pumps Solar thermal Solar PV Biomass boilers Micro-combined heat and power (CHP) Micro- and small-scale wind turbine systems
Activity Check your knowledge
“The Yorkshire Independent Roof Training Group is pleased to acknowledge that the Roofers Guide to Sustainability has been developed and produced as a result of funding provided by CITB ConstructionSkills as part of their long term commitment to training and quality standards in the specialist roofing sector. This support is gratefully appreciated