Wessex Dermatology Training Programme Induction Dr Bronwyn Hughes Wessex Dermatology Programme Director
Who you need to know Bronwyn Hughes - programme director Elizabeth Martin - programme manager at the deanery Rozz Morrissey – programme administrator at deanery Kinga Kazmierczyk –Trainee rep (Senior Trainee Ports) Alvin Lee – Senior Trainee (Southampton)
Wessex Dermatology programme Four Year Programme Hospitals providing training within Wessex - Southampton - Portsmouth - Christchurch (Bournemouth) - Poole
Requirements for your training Induction –Deanery –Trust –Department Mandatory training for your trusts Initial meeting/appraisal with Educational Supervisor(ES) –Agree training needs & priorities –Agree dates for further meetings & appraisal –Setting up your e-portfolio –Discuss training specifics related to that department
Requirements for your training Assessments –Required minimum number –Spread of clinical conditions –Spread throughout the year –Demand feedback from your supervisors to aid your development –Let me know if you are having problems getting these done asap
Requirements for your training DERM assessments – each year (Year 1) - 4 mini CEX, - 6 DOPs (4 surgical and 2 non surgical) - 10 CBD - 1 patient survey - I MSF - 1 teaching observation
Requirements for your training E portfolio Curriculum –All trainees now on 2010 curriculum –Joint College of Physicians Training Board – Upload to eportfolio –General elements ( lots in first year) –Subspecialty elements –Get to grips early –Expect it to be time consuming –Has to be complete to pass ARCP
On call Portsmouth and Southampton Honorary contacts -make sure done for non resident hospital - not able to see patients on call without it. Needs to cover children ( enhanced CRB) Cover both hospitals 1 in 8 week ends – get update from SpR Friday eve and hand over Monday am to SpR at same hospital –Contact Consultant on call both hospitals Sat/Sun to update and check if ward round needed Keep log – useful for portfolio
Requirements for your training Regional training days Regional SpR Training afternoons – new initiative – Kinga organising Regional Meetings – Solent Skin 1 st Thurs pm of month rotates round hospitals RSM – 3 rd Thurs pm of month Southampton – Educational Afternoons – 2 nd Thurs of month Study Leave – plan for 4 years Biology of Skin / Surgical course/Photobiology/Cosmetics
Advice for how to make the most of your training Contemporaries – benefit from more senior trainees experience Mentor for first year Many courses – won’t be able to do all – try to plan with educational supervisor what may be essential Dr Anjum’s advice –Plan extra experience early taking into account 4 years – time goes very quickly –Some courses don’t happen every year –Rozz Morrissey will help with eportfolio –Start to think about research early
Requirements for your training Audit –Must complete 1 audit per year for Derm –Must present results to department - Load results/evidence to e-portfolio Teaching –Actively seek involvement (U/G, medics/nurses) –Get feedback & load to e-portfolio –Get any presentations formally assessed –Will need to attend a teaching course by the time of PYA
Requirements for your training Management –Look to get involved wherever possible –Plan to attend the deanery run management courses –Will need to have attended a management course by the time of a PYA Research/papers/abstracts –Actively seek potential sources of publication –If interested in OOP for research this needs to be agreed by deanery – 1 years notice is required by deanery so needs forward planning!
Requirements for your training E-portfolio –must contain all the evidence for your ARCP –If insufficient room to store all the evidence get your ES to countersign that they have seen Certificates for attendance at training days, courses, conferences etc Audit reports Feedback on teaching etc –must link assessments & other experience to your curriculum & obtain sign off when have achieved curriculum requirements –Use the “reflective practice” component of your e- portfolio
Requirements for your training Revalidation –Additional requirements for 2013 ARCPs will include Declarations on SUI Health Probity ARCPs –Planned for spring each year (May 2014) –Required paperwork/forms will be sent by the deanery - ALL are required back by the deadline set by deanery Specialist Certificate Exam –You should plan to sit before your PYA at latest
Thank you & any questions?