Address as Master Data. National Mapping organisation 222 years old – to map threat of French invasion Civilian organisation since 1983; 1150 staff Independent.


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Presentation transcript:

Address as Master Data

National Mapping organisation 222 years old – to map threat of French invasion Civilian organisation since 1983; 1150 staff Independent Government Department Trading Fund since April 1999 Headquarters in Southampton with 28 field offices around Great Britain Ordnance Survey 6

Ordnance Survey Products As Great Britain’s national mapping agency, we provide the most accurate and up-to-date geographic and address data. Our geographic information is relied on by the government, emergency services and many businesses in a variety of sectors, from insurance to utilities.

AddressBase™ Single Definitive Spatial Address base for Great Britain All the addresses where people live, work and play

Who contributes to the initiative and why Currency Content UPRN Statutory duty Spatial Consistency Detail Market reach Postcode Mailing Market requirement Benchmark Additional content CTAX 99.78% NDR 92.22% GB requirement

Products created from the GeoPlace Hub AddressBase™ AddressBase™ Plus AddressBase™ Premium

Address Base Premium - attributes UPRN Royal Mail Postcode Address File National Grid coordinates References to OS MasterMap address TOID Four levels of classification Feature life cycle dates Local authority addresses OWPA Multiple occupancy addresses Local authority streets USRN Street start and end coordinates References to all OS MasterMap TOIDs Parent/child relationships Alternative addresses Provisional addresses Historical addresses

Addressing the Location How do you identify where your assets / customers are located? Many offices, shops, houses all have recognised addresses from Royal Mail - over 29 million addresses in Great Britain. Ordnance Survey give all of these addresses an X,Y coordinate. Any data that you hold internally against an address, e.g. billing information, can be attached to this Ordnance Survey has address and location information for an additional 8 million buildings or properties that do not have an address in PAF

What is a Non Addressable Location? Any building or object that does not receive post from Royal Mail Nearly 5 million identified and given an address and location Includes: Warehouses, Depots, Car parks, Telephone Exchanges, Electricity Sub Stations Churches, Community Centres, Farms and Masts. All classified and with an accurate X,Y Coordinate, together with a geographic address

What is a Non Addressable Location? MOWPAs – Multi-occupancies without a postal address MOWPA e.g. ‘Flat a, Flat b’ at 181 High Street, Southampton SO16 4EB. Over 2.2 million MOWPA records All classified and with an accurate X,Y Coordinate, and linked to the parent delivery address

Change only update to Topography and Address data every 6 weeks used to identify new buildings and addresses. Change Only Updates New buildings November 2012

Implemented DepartmentProject Cabinet OfficeElectoral Roll Transformation Project DWPCENTRIC Data warehouse DECCNational Energy Efficiency Framework Improvement Service ScotlandCitizens Account and Entitlement Card DWPTell Us Once Programme Cabinet OfficeDirect Electronic Incident Transfer BBC TVLUnderpinning licence revenue collection CLGPlanning Portal Health and Safety LaboratoryNational Population Index

Implementing DepartmentProject Department for EducationSchools Admission Process Office for National StatisticsBeyond the Census 2011 HMRCConnect Fraud Analytical Platform Home Office National Policing Systems (NFLMS, VISOR, CRASH) Identity and Passport ServicePending DECCSmart metering implementation programme

Planning / Planned DepartmentProject Land RegistryLand and title registration Valuation Office AgencyCTAX, NDR, Rents and Corporate Use Companies HouseCompany Registration Identity and Passport ServicePassport application and renewal process Communities and Local GovernmentFSEC Tool Kit Environment AgencyCorporate Use including NAFRA (Flood Risk)

Tax Benefits State pension Risk and Intelligence Driver and vehicle licensing Income Tax Passport Web Call centre Drop in Customer AddressBase Premium Transmit Packet of information UPRN Process Specification

UPRN – What is it? Unique Property Reference Number An attribute of a Basic Land and Property Unit (BLPU). It is a unique reference number that links together information and is used to cross-reference associated data to. Each Contributing Authority is assigned a range of UPRNs by the NLPG Custodian. A UPRN is a persistent unique integer value that must be taken in sequence from the Contributing Authority number range. A UPRN is not be reused In discussion with Land Registry about use within their data

UPRN – When does it become available? All new developments must be recorded in the NLPG when the Contributing Authority carries out SNN (street Naming and Numbering) Authority activities for these sites or when construction begins whichever occurs first. New BLPUs and LPIs as created as required and referenced to the (newly created) Street with the Official Address information. If the development is on a new site and detailed base mapping is unavailable the BLPU co-ordinates either at the start of the referenced Street At this stage if the development is yet to commence on the ground, the LLPG Custodian must ensure all Address Change Intelligence and development monitoring protocols are in place. Modify the BLPU state code to 1 (under construction / SNN Official Address)..

Additional address lifecycle information Provisional properties (pre- build) (426,686 records) Historic Addresses (2,143,390 records) Alternative addresses (971,839 records)

UPRN – cont. If a BLPU is officially named or numbered by the SNN Authority before construction begins, a Record should be added to the LLPG with a LOGICAL_STATUS of Provisional BLPU, and a state code of 6 – planning permission granted. The Record should be exported to the NLPG Custodian. If construction begins before a BLPU is officially named or numbered, a Record should be added to the LLPG with a LOGICAL STATUS of Provisional BLPU and a state code of 1 under construction. The Record should be exported to the NLPG Custodian.

How does UPRN cope when the developer changes any key feature of the submitted plans? UPRN will remain the same, the Representative Point Co- ordinate (RPC) may change as more detailed information is received. RPC CODE 1 int Visual centre 2 int General internal point 3 int SW corner of referenced 100 m grid 4 int Start of referenced street 5 int General point based on postcode unit 9 int Centre of a contributing authority area

Where plot numbers change mid development – how does this validate back to the UPRN Logical status would change, at early stages it would be provisional. Once final plot numbers are confirmed then it would change to approved 1 int Approved 3 int Alternative 6 int Provisional 8 int Historical

Meter Point address in most cases relates the front door – however, where the meter housing isn’t at the same location, such as airside at an airport, how does UPRN deal with very unique locations? How does UPRN deal with non-postal locations, such as a compressor station or a Water pumping stations, remote locations in fields etc? It does not, UPRN/BLPU will be given the geometry at creation and given code for accuracy. Provided within 1m of BLPU

Commercial In Confidence - Do not distribute Questions (and maybe some answers)

Contact for further information Customer Contact Centre Ordnance Survey Romsey Road SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom SO16 4GU Phone: Fax: Website: