Southampton: New Developments Presented by Chris Potts University of Southampton
28 November 2011Chris Potts2 Context Operational Research is based in Mathematics Management Science is based in Management CORMSIS (Centre for Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems) provide a single point of contact to the outside world All LANCS appointees are members of CORMSIS but are formally 50% within OR and 50% within MS
28 November 2011Chris Potts3 LANCS Appointments Honora Smith (Lecturer) Appointed in 2008 Active in the Healthcare research cluster Research on the location of healthcare facilities and on customer choice modelling Tri-Dung Nguyen (Lecturer) Appointed in 2010 Research on applications of Optimization to different areas including statistics and problems in game theory
28 November 2011Chris Potts4 LANCS Appointments (ctd) Navid Izady (Lecturer) Appointed in 2010 Active in the Healthcare research cluster Research on time dependent queues and their application in healthcare Patrick Beullens (Senior Lecturer) Appointed in 2011 Research on green logistics and cost modelling in supply chains
28 November 2011Chris Potts5 Enhancing the Academic OR Supply Chain The standard supply chain follows the route undergraduate→masters→doctorate →postdoc →lecturer A MORSE (Mathematics, OR, Statistics, Economics) BSc is being introduced in 2012 Engagement with our multidisciplinary DTCs (Doctoral Training Centres) in Complex Systems Simulation, Web Science, Transport and the Environment provides projects and funding for PhD students
28 November 2011Chris Potts6 Benefits from CORMSIS Two Industrial Liaison Officers find industrial projects and form partnerships with companies A Facilitator is employed to seek funding opportunities and help with funding applications Joint supervision of PhD students is relatively common Discussions about a possible application to EPSRC for a Programme Grant in the area of Transport has recently started
28 November 2011Chris Potts7 Southampton’s Strategic Research SIMM (Southampton Initiative for Mathematical Modelling) SIMM was launched in 2010, with OR playing a significant role in its activities Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute This new Institute is to be launched in Spring 2012, with OR represented on the steering group
28 November 2011Chris Potts8 Airport Operations Southampton has just completed a research project funded by EUROCONTROL on airport runway scheduling Southampton (and Nottingham) have joined a consortium, coordinated by SINTEF, that have become Associate Partners to the SJU (SESAR Joint Undertaking), meaning that projects will be offered periodically
28 November 2011Chris Potts9 Vehicle Scheduling A KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership) was undertaken with Logical Transport (a transport scheduling software provider) to include various practical constraints that are not present in classical vehicle routing models Current work to continue this collaboration is funded under a KTS (Knowledge Transfer Secondment) grant
28 November 2011Chris Potts10 Railway Capacity An EPSRC-funded project OCCASION (Overcoming Capacity Constraints: A Simulation Integrated with Optimization at Nodes) involves Southampton’s Transport Research Group and CORMSIS Ways of improving capacity without resorting to major infrastructure changes are being investigated (partly by transferring production scheduling techniques to rail scheduling)
28 November 2011Chris Potts11 Large Scale On-Line Business Communities Southampton is a partner in an EU-FP7 project involving five universities and several companies including IBM and SAP which is investigating algorithms supporting community managers The project will include an investigation of the probability of a substantial decrease of key- user activity, and forecasting the number of people in typical user states (new user, consumer, expert)